塔的顶级故事(墓模型)_Top Story of a Tower (Tomb Model) 12028
与马,凤凰和老虎的三角砖_Triangular Brick with Horse, Phoenix, and Tigers 91967
来自Tomb Chamber的空心砖(可能是Lintel)_Hollow Brick (probably Lintel) from Tomb Chamber 21862
带杯形嘴和模拟环手柄的瓶子_Bottle with Cupped Mouth and Mock Ring Handles 21400
与动物和数字的卵形罐子_Ovoid Jar with Animals and Figures 25214
猪圈和厕所_Pigsty and Latrines 37716
三脚架大锅(丁)_Tripod Caldron (Ding) 25226
储物罐(胡)与狩猎场景_Storage Jar (Hu) with Hunting Scenes 12054
茧形烧瓶(建兴湖)_Cocoon-Shaped Flask (Jianxinghu) 118546
粮仓的模型_Model of a Grain Storehouse 12013
球形罐与模拟食人魔面具环手柄_Globular Jar with Mock Ogre Mask Ring Handles 12018
罐子里有锯齿和环绕带_Jar with Sawtooth and Encircling Bands 65877