儒家孝道故事二十二个插图中的第二十一个Twenty-first of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety
御制耕织图; Yuzhigengzhitu(ImperiallyCommissionedIllustrationsofAgricultureandSericulture)
上升在-RankMilitaryDoorGuard;加官武门神; Jiaguanwumenshen
天花板,中国,北京,志华寺Ceiling Panels, China, Beijing, Zhihua Temple
儒家孝道故事二十二个插图中的第七个Seventh of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety
儒家孝道故事二十二个插图中的第十一个Eleventh of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety
儒家孝道故事的二十二个插图中的十分之一Tenth of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety
儒家孝道故事的二十二个插图中的十二分之二Fifteenth of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety