儒家孝道故事的二十二个插图之一One of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety
儒家孝道故事二十二个插图中的第十七个Seventeenth of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety
御制耕织图; Yuzhigengzhitu(ImperiallyCommissionedIllustrationsofAgricultureandSericulture)
儒家孝道故事二十二个插图中的第八个Eighth of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety
BeautywithChild;美人和孩童; Meirenhehaitung
DoorGuardYuchiGong;尉迟恭; YuchiGong
儒家孝道故事二十二个插图中的第十二个Twelfth of Twenty-two Illustrations of the Confucian Stories of Filial Piety