黑色和服的妇女有枫叶设计的Woman in Black Kimono with Maple Leaf Design
山路上的和尚Monk on Mountain Path
一个人的画象在庭院里Portrait of a Man in Garden
僻静的山谷中的云和松树The Clouds and Pine Trees in the Secluded Valley
有山的村庄在背景中Village with Mountains in Background
鸟和樱花(Kakemono)Birds and Cherry Blossoms (Kakemono)
马士奇的肖像(1650-1714)Portrait of Ma Shiqi (1650–1714)
冬至(竹和水果)Winter Solstice (Bamboo and Fruit)
宫美与剑Palace Beauty with a Sword
两个数字和书法Two Figures and Calligraphy