菜与起重机在花卉卷轴之间_Dish with Crane amid Floral Scrolls 28348
有莲花和叶子的浅碗_Shallow Bowl with Lotus Flower and Leaves 45464
茶碗与“油斑”标记_Tea Bowl with “Oil Spot” Markings 193045
菜神话中的牛(Xiniu)在波浪中观看月亮和星座_Dish with Mythical Bovine (Xiniu) Amid Waves Viewing the Moon and Constella
带花纹花的细长卵形花瓶(眉坪)_Elongated Ovoid Vase (Meiping) with Stylized Flowers 53529
花瓶与程式化的花瓣_Vase with Stylized Petals 31988
六叶碗,竹子,牵牛花和樱花喷雾_Six-Lobed Bowl with Bamboo, Morning Glories, and Spray of Cherry Blossoms 86789