碗与莲花设计_Bowl with Lotus Design 21650
碗与男孩玩牡丹花开_Bowl with Boys Playing amid Peony Blossoms 65889
带花喷的鼓形枕头_Drum-Shaped Pillow with Floral Sprays 21632
长方形枕头与鸳鸯在百合池塘_Rectangular Pillow with Mandarin Ducks in a Lily Pond 105530
Amphora型花瓶与程式化的花朵_Amphora-Type Vase with Stylized Flowers 21721
有使用在牡丹花中的男孩的碗_Bowl with Boys Playing amid Peony Flowers 65892
滚动藤蔓中的儿童杯_Cup with Children among Scrolling Vines 42213
碗里的鱼_Bowl with Fish 48994