带牡丹喷雾的细长瓶花瓶(Meiping)_Elongated Bottle Vase (Meiping) with Peony Sprays 51423
六叶碗,竹子,牵牛花和樱花喷雾_Six-Lobed Bowl with Bamboo, Morning Glories, and Spray of Cherry Blossoms 86789
牡丹卷轴豆形枕头_Bean-Shaped Pillow with Peony Scroll 59461
丧葬瓮(混沌)_Funerary Urn (Hunping) 70003
青蛙形内衣_Frog-Shaped Jarlet 21499
有使用在牡丹花中的男孩的碗_Bowl with Boys Playing amid Peony Flowers 65892
菜用鸳鸯在荷花池_Dish with Mandarin Ducks in a Lotus Pond 17459
杯子和立场_Cup and Stand 193042
老虎形枕头与花卉喷雾_Tiger-Shaped Pillow with Floral Spray 21702