收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第六册,页2800 收藏着录: 院藏碑帖特展目录,页163-165、370-371。 收藏着录: 以文会友-雅集图特展,页32-39、275 参考书目: 1.何传馨,〈定武兰亭真本〉,收入何传馨、何炎泉、陈韵如编,《晋唐法书名蹟》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2008年初版),页49-53。2.何传馨,〈王黼等定武兰亭真本跋〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页315- 317。3.王竞雄,〈宋拓定武兰亭真本〉,收入石守谦、葛婉章主编,《大汗的世纪:蒙元时代的多元文化与艺术》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2001年初版),页290。4.杨敦礼,〈定武兰亭之欣赏〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第49期(1987年4月),页76-80。5.何传馨,〈晋王羲之定武兰亭真本〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第200期(1999年11月),页60。6.何传馨,〈「天子之宝 — 台北国立故宫博物院的收藏」展品系列(五) — 书法、图书文献〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第248期(2003年11月),页4。 内容简介(中文): 北宋初年在河北定武出现的〈兰亭序〉石刻,相传在大观年间入藏内府,王黼(1079-1126)得到出自内府的拓本,于政和元年(1111)书一长跋,论述〈兰亭诗〉与〈兰亭记〉的来源。同年,友人「之系」亦书一长跋,论唐太宗得〈兰亭序〉墨蹟的经过。其后有政和甲午(1114)公达等观跋。 宋人对〈定武兰亭〉的论辨十分热衷,文献中多见关于此本起源、刻石流传、拓本鑑别的讨论,本卷两则题跋即是一例。(20061206) 内容简介(中文): 唐太宗得〈兰亭序〉墨蹟后,敕供名家搨摹,时以欧阳询(五五七-六四一)所摹着者为最佳,遂刻石置于宫中。宋熙宁间(一0六八-一0七七)定武太守薛珦所搨之本,名〈定武兰亭〉,据帖后袁桷跋,认为此帖为刻石入宣和内府后,搨赐王黻。曾经宋元名家收藏或题跋,一向是〈兰亭序〉的名蹟。本帖字体端凝,和欧书〈化度寺碑〉接近。以薄纸搨,笔划肥瘦适度,浑古而意态从容。 内容简介(中文): 永和九年(353)三月三日,王羲之在兰亭与好友举行修禊雅集,写下著名的兰亭诗序,为唐太宗所藏。原蹟虽已失传,不过唐代以来即转化为无数的临摹本与石刻本,成为历代书家的模范。〈定武兰亭〉即是其中一种,以刻石的发现地河北定武为名。本件拓本字蹟笔画略粗,卷后有北宋人题跋,从字蹟缺损与石纹的自然裂痕来看,是目前仅见完整的初拓本。(20081012) 内容简介(中文): 353年王羲之和他的友人,在浙江会稽山阴的兰亭举行修禊雅集,曲水流觞,赋诗唱和,王羲之作序,即是〈兰亭序〉。原蹟今已失传,不过化身为无数的临摹本与石刻拓本,成为历代书法家学习行书的最佳范本。〈定武兰亭〉拓本即其中一种,由于刻石在定武(今河北真定县)发现,因此以定武为名。一般认为这是依据唐代重要书家欧阳询摹本上石,是兰亭诸刻中最好的刻帖。这件拓本从一些模拓的特征和卷后题跋、钤印来看,可能是十一世纪的拓本,也是目前仅存的完整的善拓本。王羲之祖籍山东,出身仕族世家,西晋末随父南渡,作过右军将军、会稽内史,东晋永和年间(三四五—三五六)去职,与东土名士尽山水之游。他热衷诗歌、音乐与书法,学书的历程是由近而古,转益多师,取资广博,尤其精研体势,将秦篆汉隶各种不同的笔法融于真行草体中,形成最完美的体势。这件书蹟虽然经过摹写与刻拓,仍然可以看出王羲之行书兼有端庄与流丽的美感。文章的内容在表达豁达开朗的人生观,书法也追求不激不厉,平和优雅的风度。(何传馨) 内容简介(英文): On the third day of the third lunar month in the Yung-ho ninth year (corresponding to 353 CE), Wang Hsi-chih hosted a gathering of friends at the Orchid Pavilion to perform the rites of ablution (purification). Writing a preface to the poetry composed there, Wang’s masterpiece eventually came into the hands of the T’ang emperor T’ai-tsung (r. 626-649). Although the original was lost, innumerable copies and stone engravings have been made since the T’ang dynasty, making this one of the most celebrated models for calligraphers through the ages. The Ting-wu rubbing is one of these copies and named after the site in Hopeh were the stone engraving was discovered. The strokes in the characters here are slightly coarse, and at the end of the scroll are inscriptions by writers of the Northern Sung period (960-1127). Judging from the missing characters due to damage and the natural features of abrasion, it appears to be the only surviving complete early rubbing of this stone engraving. (20081012) 内容简介(英文): After T'ai-tsung (598-649) acquired Wang Hsi-chih's Orchid Pavilion Preface, he ordered famous calligraphers to make copies, the best of which was by Ou-yang Hsün. Carved in stone, it was displayed at court. Lost after the T'ang, it was not found until the 11th century, when Hsüeh Hsiang, Prefect of Ting-wu, made a rubbing-hence the name Ting-wu. Two versions exist, one with 5 characters missing. Though this is the latter, Yüan Chieh (1266-1327) felt it was the one given to Wang Fu after the stone entered the Hsüan-ho (1119-1125) collection. It is the most famous Preface version. The steady style is similar to Ou-yang's. The thin paper results in crisp archaic lines preserving Wang Hsi-chih's style. 内容简介(英文): In the early Northern Sung period, a stone engraving of the “Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Gathering” was discovered in Ting-wu, Hopeh. Said to have entered the imperial collection in the Ta-kuan era, Wang Fu received a rubbing taken from the stone and in 1111 composed a long colophon for it, discussing the origins of the “Poems of the Orchid Pavilion (Gathering)” and “Record of the Orchid Pavilion (Gathering)”. In the same year, a friend of his by the name “Chih-hsi” also wrote a long colophon, detailing the process by which the T'ang emperor T'ai-tsung acquired the original ink version of “Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Gathering”. Afterwards is a colophon by Kung-ta (from 1114) and other inscriptions. Scholarly debate on the “Ting-wu Rubbing of ‘Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Gathering’” was quite intense in the Sung dynasty, with many records discussing the origins of this version, transmission of the stone engraving, and distinctions among the rubbings. The two colophons on this handscroll are an example of this discussion(20061206)