题跋类别:作者款识;作者:张雨;题跋位置:本幅;款识:大元至正辛巳(西元1341年)。张雨。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:句曲外史主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1681 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷二),第一册,页3 内容简介(中文): 张雨(西元一二八三-一三五0年),字伯雨,号句曲外史,浙江钱塘人。元代著名的道教人物。文才清丽,书画清逸,倪瓒称其诗文字画为「道品第一」。通幅书作,运笔放纵,流转自如,劲健洒脱,用墨浓时而枯,淋漓痛快。结体圆实,行笔潇洒之处,可看出早年学赵孟頫的迹象。(20091015) 内容简介(中文): 张雨(西元一二八三-一三五○年),字伯雨,号句曲外史,浙江钱塘人。元代著名的道教人物。文才清丽,书画清逸,倪瓒称其诗文字画为「道品第一」。本幅行书,文云:「绝顶新秋生夜凉,鹤翻松露湿衣裳;前村月照半江水,僧在翠微开竹房。大元至正辛巳(一三四一)。张雨。」运笔放纵,流转自如,劲健洒脱,用墨浓,时而枯,淋漓痛快。结体圆实,行笔潇洒之处,仍见早年学赵孟頫的迹象。 内容简介(英文): Zhang Yu (style name Boyu, sobriquet Juqu waishi) was a native of Qiantang, Zhejiang. A famous Daoist of the Yuan dynasty, his literary talent was pure and elegant. His painting and calligraphy was refined and lofty, Zhang’s contemporary Ni Zan praising his art as “First in the Daoist category.” Throughout this work of seven-character lines of poetry calligraphed by Zhang Yu in 1341, the running script appears unbridled, flowing and naturally turning with both strength and ease. The ink is at times dry, but also moist and fluid at others. The characters are rounded and solid, the running brushwork unrestrained in places, revealing Zhang Yu’s study of Zhao Mengfu’s (1254-1322) style from his earlier years. 内容简介(英文): Zhang Yu (style name Boyu, sobriquet Juqu waishi) was a native of Qiantang, Zhejiang. A famous Daoist of the Yuan dynasty, his literary talent was pure and elegant, and his painting and calligraphy refined and lofty, his contemporary Ni Zan praising his art as “First in the Daoist category.” Throughout this work by Zhang Yu, the brush movement is unbridled, flowing and turning naturally with both strength and ease. The ink is at times dry, but it is also moist and fluid at others. The characters are rounded and solid, the running brushwork unrestrained in places to reveal Zhang’s study of Zhao Mengfu’s (1254-1322) style in his earlier years.(20091015)