收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第五册,页2062 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷一),第一册,页138-139 内容简介(中文): 董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年),字玄宰,号思白,江苏华亭人。万历十七年(一五八九)进士,官至礼部尚书,諡文敏。天才隽逸,善书画,富收藏,尤精鑑赏。临摹书蹟,至忘寝食。行楷之妙,称绝一代。本卷未署年,以怀素大草风格书写,由董氏其它怀素风格作品观之,此卷当为其晚年之作。盖其行笔较早年行草诗卷之轻灵,与中岁杜律册之圆浑,更多些沉着及转折变化,已将怀素自然地融于本色之中。 内容简介(中文): 董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年),字玄宰,号思白,江苏华亭人。万历十七年(一五八九)进士,官至礼部尚书,諡文敏。天才隽逸,善书画,富收藏,尤精鑑赏。行楷之妙,称绝一代。 本卷未署年,以怀素大草风格书写,由董氏其它怀素风格作品观之,此卷当为其晚年之作。盖其行笔较早年行草诗卷之轻灵,与中岁杜律册之圆浑,更多些沉着及转折变化,已将怀素自然地融于本色之中。(20110710) 内容简介(英文): Dong Qichang, a native of Huating, Jiangsu, received his Presented Scholar (jinshi) degree in 1589, later becoming Minister of Rites. An exceptionally talented painter and calligrapher, he was also a collector and connoisseur of art. He copied calligraphy to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep, his semi-cursive and regular scripts being considered the best of his time. This undated work is modeled after the large cursive script of Huaisu. Compared with Dong’s other works in Huaisu’s style, this is from his late period. Here his style is steadier with more turns and variations, differing from the light semi-cursive strokes in his earlier works and from the roundness of his middle years. Here, Dong naturally blended his own style with that of Huaisu’s.(20110710) 内容简介(英文): Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636) was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu province. His style name was Hsüan-tsai and he was known by the sobriquet Ssu-pai. He obtained the chin-shih degree in 1589 and went on to become the Minister of the Ministry of Rites. He was given the posthumous title Wen-min. Tung was exceptionally talented and accomplished as a calligrapher and painter; he was also a collector and an outstanding connoisseur. He frequently made free-copies and copies of old calligraphic works to the point that he would forget to eat or sleep. His ingenious semi-cursive and standard scripts were considered the best of his time.This undated handscroll is modelled after the large-cursive script style of Huai-su. Compared with Tung’s other works which are written in Huai-su’s style, this piece seems to be a work of Tung’s late period. Here his style is calmer and steadier and exhibits more twists and variations. This is distinguished from the lightness of his semi-cursive strokes in an early period scroll of semi-cursive and cursive script poems, and from the roundness characteristic of his style in an album of poems by Tu Fu written in Tung’s middle years. At the time this handscroll was written, Tung had already naturally blended Huai-su’s style with his own.