收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续篇(御书房),第四册,页1905 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷一),第一册,页18 参考书目: 1.王耀庭,〈唐颜真卿祭姪文稿帖〉,收入王耀庭、许郭璜、陈阶晋编,《故宫书画菁华特辑》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年初版,2001年再版),页18-19。2.侯怡利,〈唐颜真卿祭姪文稿〉,收入何传馨、何炎泉、陈韵如编,《晋唐法书名蹟》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2008年初版),页163-166。3.王竞雄,〈祭姪文稿〉,收入林柏亭主编,《国宝菁华 — 书画‧图书文献篇》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年12月),页186。4.郑瑶锡,〈国之重宝 — 书画精萃特展〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第19期(1984年10月),页18-19。5.许郭璜,〈略论颜真卿祭姪文稿〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第80期(1989年11月),页34-39。6.锺民丰,〈从颜鲁公祭姪祭伯文稿谈起〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第90期(1990年9月),页36-51。7.郑瑶赐,〈唐颜真卿祭姪文稿〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第100期(1991年7月),页98-99。8.李铭宗,〈颜真卿祭姪文稿「光禄夫」合文例释〉,《艺术学报》,56期(1995),页263-276。9.王竞雄,〈唐颜真卿祭姪文稿〉,收入蔡玫芬主编,《精彩一百 国宝总动员》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),页192。10.〈祭姪文稿〉,收入何传馨、陈阶晋、侯怡利编,《故宫法书新编(五)唐 颜真卿墨迹》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),页4-38。 内容简介(中文): 颜真卿(709—785),字清臣,山东临沂人,世称颜鲁公。安史乱时,因援兵未至使常山失守,颜氏一门多人遇害,〈祭姪文稿〉正是鲁公为殉难的姪儿颜季明所作。这篇沉痛的祭文为鲁公传世经典之作,墨色浓淡干湿的明显变化,及涂抹删改的痕迹,显露鲁公振笔疾书时翻腾的思绪。真、行、草笔法并用,使转灵活且苍劲有力,展现颜书结体宽博与笔划沉稳的特性,被誉为「天下第二行书」。 (20081012) 内容简介(中文): 颜真卿(七0九-七八五),字清臣,开元二十二年(七三四)中举进士,历任户部侍郎、尚书左丞、刑部尚书诸职,曾受封为鲁郡公,任平原郡为太守,后世遂称颜鲁公、颜平原、颜太师。祖籍山东临沂,先祖均为经史训诂名家。鲁公三岁丧父,由母亲殷氏教养,二兄颜允南课读。唐朝初期书风承隋朝,兼容南北,太宗又特别推重王羲之。开元天宝年间,盛唐时期雍容伟壮风格产生,鲁公雄伟气象的书风,正是代表人物,其影响历经千年,至今不衰。 天宝年间安史之乱,鲁公堂兄颜杲卿任常山郡太守,贼兵进逼,太原节度使拥兵不救,以至城破,颜杲卿及其子季明殉难。事后鲁公派长姪泉明前往善后,因而有此卷之作,这年鲁公五十岁。全卷文字以鲁公浑厚的楷书为基础,楷、行、草各体互见。墨色亦因行笔的起止停走,而有浓枯变化,其中删改涂抹处,更可见到鲁公书写时情绪起伏转折的心路历程。这篇沈痛的祭文,措辞庄重严正,流露至情至性的情感,当是鲁公存世第一名手书墨蹟。 内容简介(中文): 颜真卿(西元七0九-七八五年),字清臣,山东临沂人。开元中进士,世称颜鲁公。安史之乱,鲁公堂兄颜杲卿孤军守常山,城破不屈,与子颜季明殉难。鲁公在此篇沉痛的祭姪文中,措辞庄重严正,然而书写过程却流露出至情至性。文中楷、行、草互见,但字字俱有鲁公浑圆厚重的楷书基础。全篇墨色有浓有枯,其中删改涂抹正可见情绪起伏之迹,最后写至呜呼哀哉,哀痛至极遂化为狂草。 内容简介(中文): 颜真卿(709-785),字清臣,山东临沂人。为人清刚正直,任事不顾个人安危,为一代忠臣的典型。由于书法素养深厚,端凝厚实正如其人,复为书史尊为德艺兼修的典范。〈祭姪文稿〉作于干元元年(758),为唐代「安史之乱」留下第一手亲笔史料,文中述及堂兄颜杲卿、姪子颜季明力战殉难,可以辅证新旧唐书的记载。文稿虽见增删涂改,却笔笔真情流露,而为鲜于枢推许「天下行书第二」。(20110913) 内容简介(英文): Yan Zhenqing (style name Qingchen), a native of Linyi in Shandong, was known for his pure and upright character, ignoring personal safety when facing matters of state and becoming a model in his time of a loyal official. His deep cultivation in calligraphy was just as upright and solid as his character, which is why later generations turned to him in calligraphy history as a paragon combining cultivation in morals and with the brush. This work, done in 758, is personally written historical material providing a first-hand account of the An Lushan Rebellion. The contents describe how Yan Zhenqing’s cousin, Yan Gaoqing, and his nephew, Yan Jiming, struggled valiantly to resist the rebels but lost their lives for the dynasty, thus providing supplementary records to histories of the Tang dynasty. Despite additions to and deletions from the text, the brushwork is frank and revealing in his emotions throughout, which is why Xianyu Shu of the Yuan praised it as “The second-best running script under the heavens.”(20110913) 内容简介(英文): Yen Chen-ch'ing was a native of Shantung and a chin-shih degree holder who was a loyal official and defender of the T'ang. In his effort against the Li Hsi-lieh rebels, he was captured and executed. This work represents a heartfelt requiem written by Yen for his nephew. Despite its serious and formal content, Yen's calligraphy reveals his inner feelings. Elements of standard, running, and cursive script appear, but all are based on Yen's round and heavy strokes in standard script. The ink ranges from thick to dry, and the corrections to the contents reveal the emotional spontaneity of the draft. The final exclamation to the content of the text correlates to the wild cursiveness of the calligraphy found at the end. 内容简介(英文): Yen Chen-ch'ing, from a renowned family in the Shantung area, was a chin-shih civil service graduate of 734 and served in a number of high offices. During the revolt of Li Hsi-lieh, he was ordered to serve an imperial notice to the rebels. However, he was detained by the rebels and executed, making him a martyr of the T'ang dynasty. Earlier, in the An Lu-shan rebellion, his cousin was serving as a local magistrate. When rebels invaded the area, the T'ang armies did not come to their rescue, resulting in the death of Yen's cousin and nephew. Thus, it was under these circumstances that Yen Chen-ch’ing at the age of 49 composed this work.Early T'ang calligraphy followed that of the Sui dynasty and fused northern and southern styles, and Emperor T'ai-tsung particularly admired the Wang Hsi-chih manner from the 4th century. By the first half of the 8th century, however, the dignified and imposing manner of High T'ang calligraphy was formed, and the grand style of Yen Chen-ch'ing was most representative. The influence of his calligraphy would extend for more than a thousand years, even up to the present day.This work by Yen Chen-ch'ing, however, is a draft for a formal work. With his sturdy standard script as a foundation, his standard, running, and cursive scripts are all evident here. The movement of his brush also reflected changes in wet and dry ink. Consequently, this piece looks as if written in a single sitting. It even includes corrections, revealing the changing emotions and thoughts of Yen Chen-ch’ing as he wrote. Although this is a solemn requiem, it still reveals Yen’s character and emotions, making it one of the premier works from his hand. 内容简介(英文): Yen Chen-ch’ing, style name Ch’ing-ch’en, was a native of Lin-i in Shantung and also known as “Yen, Duke of Lu.” During the An Lu-shan rebellion (755-763), troops supporting the court were not deployed to Ch’ang-shan, which was lost and resulted in many members of the loyal Yen clan there meeting with disaster. This requiem was written by Yen Chen-ch’ing in memory of his nephew, Yen Chi-ming, who died for the T’ang court. This requiem of great grief and sadness is also one of Yen Chen-ch’ing’s greatest surviving masterpieces of calligraphy. Obvious differences to the thickness and wetness of the ink tones are evident, and many marks where he crossed out or revised the contents clearly show how he yielded the brush with great directness and speed. Regular, running, and cursive script methods appear here, making this work both spirited and powerfully mature at the same time. It also displays the features of Yen Chen-ch’ing’s majestic characters and the great steadiness of his strokes, which is why it is praised as the “second best work of running script under the Heavens.” (20081012) 网页展示说明 颜真卿(709-785),后世尊称颜鲁公、颜平原。祖籍山东临沂。李西烈叛乱,鲁公奉命前往谕降,贞元元年(785)八月三日,以不屈殉节。安史之乱,鲁公堂兄颜杲卿任常山郡太守,贼兵进逼,太原节度使拥兵不救,以至城破,颜杲卿与子颜季明罹难。所以文中说,「贼臣不救,孤城围逼,父陷子死,巢倾卵复。」事后鲁公派长姪泉明前往善后,仅得杲卿一足、季明头骨,乃有〈祭姪文稿〉之作,时年鲁公五十岁。评论书法作字、向有字如其人之说。鲁公一门忠烈,生平大节凛然,精神气节之反应于翰墨,本卷最为论书者所乐举。通篇使用一管微秃之笔,以圆健笔法,有若流转之篆书,自首至尾,虽因墨枯再醮墨,墨色因停顿起始,黑灰浓枯,多所变化,然前后一气呵成。本卷既是起草文稿,其中删改涂抹,正可见鲁公为文构思,始末情怀起伏,胸臆了无掩饰,当是存世鲁公手书第一名墨蹟。(20110913)