题跋类别:题签;钱陈羣 臣钱陈羣;位置:题籤; 宋黄庭坚书寒山子庞居士诗。臣钱陈羣;位置:题籤;。主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第三册,页1429-1430 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷一),第一册,页54-55 收藏着录: 故宫历代法书全集,第二册,页107-119、246-247 收藏着录: 大观:北宋书画特展,页378-385 参考书目: 1.何传馨,〈黄庭坚寒山子庞居士诗〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页381- 384。2.〈宋黄庭坚寒山子庞居士诗〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《名宝上珍》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页177。3.何传馨,〈宋黄庭坚寒山子庞居士诗〉,收入何传馨编,《书法之美特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1992年五月初版一刷),页76。4.何炎泉,〈任运随缘:黄庭坚〈寒山子庞居士诗〉卷〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第275期(2006年2月),页18-24。5.张光宾,〈故宫博物院收藏法书与碑帖〉,《故宫季刊》,第九卷第三期(1975年春),页5-19。6.侯怡利,〈宋黄庭坚书寒山子庞居士诗〉,收入蔡玫芬主编,《精彩一百 国宝总动员》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),页208。 内容简介(中文): 元符二年至三年间(1099-1100),黄庭坚谪居戎州(四川宜宾),于斋馆「任运堂」试笔,书唐代僧人寒山子与庞居士诗作,然寒山子诗第三首后半与庞居士诗已佚失。此卷墨色腴润饱满,笔法控驭自如,反映参禅修行对他生活及创作的深刻影响,为晚年重要的大字行书。 黄庭坚(1045-1105)字鲁直,号涪翁、山谷道人,江西分宁人。他擅长于诗文、书法,和苏轼、米芾、蔡襄并列为北宋四大书家。(20061206) 内容简介(中文): 元符二年至三年间(1099-1100),黄庭坚谪居戎州(四川宜宾),于斋馆「任运堂」试笔,书唐代僧人寒山子与庞居士诗作,然寒山子诗第三首后半与庞居士诗已佚失。此卷墨色腴润饱满,笔法控驭自如,反映参禅修行对他生活及创作的深刻影响,为晚年重要的大字行书。黄庭坚(1045-1105)字鲁直,号涪翁、山谷道人,江西分宁人。他擅长于诗文、书法,和苏轼、米芾、蔡襄并列为北宋四大书家。(20110913) 内容简介(中文): 黄庭坚(西元1045-1105年),字鲁直,号涪翁、山谷道人,江西分宁人。苏轼尝见其诗文,以为超逸绝尘,由是声名始盛。与张耒、晁补之、秦观,俱游苏轼之门,天下称「四学士」。 黄氏书法从张旭、怀素的狂放草书,及苏轼的洒脱行书获得启示。在字形结体强调横斜的笔划与姿态;书写运笔时,在横、竖、撇、捺即融入有起伏韵律的笔意,创新其书风。是这般潇洒不羁,纵逸豪放,任凭着自己腾逸的才思挥洒自如。宋徽宗就曾说:「黄书如抱道足学之士,坐高车驷马之上,横钳上下,无不自如」。纵横奇倔,波澜老成是黄氏书法特征。此帖笔势遒劲,中宫敛结,长笔外拓,英俊洒脱,显示出山谷纵逸豪放的雅韵,并充分发挥倾侧的动向美感。 内容简介(英文): In the years from 1099 to 1100, Huang Tingjian lived in exile in Rongzhou (modern Yibin, Sichuan). In his study called the “Renyun (Accepting Fate) Hall,” he tested a brush by calligraphing poetry of the Tang dynasty monk Hanshan and that of Recluse Pang. However, the latter half of Hanshan’s third poem and the poetry of Recluse Pang have since been lost. In this work with its rich and moist ink, the brushwork is driven in a smooth and free manner, reflecting the deep influence of the practice of Chan (Zen) Buddhism in Huang Tingjian’s life and art. This is an important piece of large-character calligraphy from Huang’s later years. Huang Tingjian (style name Luzhi; sobriquets Fuweng and Shangu daoren) was a native of Fenning, Jiangsi. He specialized in poetry and prose as well as calligraphy, being known in the latter along with Su Shi, Mi Fu, and Cai Xiang as one of the Four Masters of the Northern Song. (20110913) 内容简介(英文): Huang T'ing-chien, style name Lu-chih and sobriquets Fu-weng and Shan-ku tao-jen, was a native of Fen-ning, Kiangsi. He specialized in poetry and prose as well as calligraphy, being known in the latter along with Su Shih, Mi Fu, and Ts'ai Hsiang as one of the Four Masters of the Northern Sung. In the years from 1099 to 1100, Huang T'ing-chien lived in exile in Jung-chou (modern I-pin, Szechwan). In his study called the “Jen-yün (Accepting Fate) Hall”, he tested a brush by calligraphing poetry of the T'ang dynasty monk Han-shan and that of Recluse P'ang. However, the latter half of Han-shan's third poem and the poetry of Recluse P'ang have since been lost. In this work with its rich and moist ink, the brushwork is driven in a smooth and free manner, reflecting the deep influence of the practice of Zen in Huang T'ing-chien's life and art. This is an important piece of large-character calligraphy from Huang T'ing-chien's later years.(20061206) 网页展示说明 黄庭坚(1045-1105),字鲁直,号山谷道人。善诗文、长书法,为「宋四大家」之一。此卷书唐代禅僧寒山子诗二首半,为黄氏贬谪至戎州时(1099-1100)所作。本幅墨色腴润饱满,个别字的点画、间架及邻行间保持均衡,有轻重、大小、疏密的变化及节奏。全作用笔凝练而富有韵致,结字险绝,敧侧中带安稳,并以一二长笔打破空间布白,配合行气的错落,产生强烈的动势,为一件黄庭坚大字行书的代表作。(20110913)