收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第三册,页1454 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷一),第一册,页64 收藏着录: 宋代花笺特展,页194-209、228-229 参考书目: 1.王耀庭,〈薛绍彭杂书〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页411- 414。2.王耀庭,〈薛绍彭杂书卷 — 北宋的王羲之守护者〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第283期(2006年10月),页4-13。 内容简介(中文): 薛绍彭(约1051-1107或1109)长安人,字道祖,号翠微居士。薛氏于北宋晚期,独致力对王羲之的晋人书风,书史上南宋高宗对他推崇有加,间接影响到元代书法的复古风气。本卷为〈云顶山诗〉、〈上清帖〉、〈左緜帖〉、〈通泉帖〉等四帖合裱成卷,从诗文内容,其完成地点,推测应书于服官四川之时。书写并非同时,故书风不全然一致,但整体写来中规中矩,字?行间但见一股温雅的意味。(20061206) 内容简介(中文): 薛绍彭(活动于西元十一世纪后半),长安人。字道祖,号翠微居士,系出河东(山西)薛氏。唐初,薛氏以文学着称,时有河东三凤之誉,故亦自称三凤后裔。精于鑑赏,又长书法。书学二王,深得晋人遗规,书史谓其书如王谢家子弟,有风流之习。本幅书诗文尺牍四段,行笔以拙藏巧,平直苍劲。笔多内擫,锋藏不露,古意时溢毫素间。 内容简介(英文): Hsueh Shao-'eng, a native of Ch'ang-an in Shensi province, was an avid collector. He was a friend of the calligrapher-collector Mi Fu and Liu Ching. In his own calligraphy, he studied the styles of the Two Wangs and gained an understanding of the essence of the Chin style. According to calligraphy historians, he developed a distinguished style similar to that of the Two Wangs and Hsieh An.This handscroll of miscellaneous poems, essays, and letters is divided into four parts. The brushwork reveals a degree of technical virtuosity concealed within the intentional awkwardness. The strokes possess a tensile, inner strength, and the internal movements of the brush tip are concealed. This simplicity results in an archaic manner. 内容简介(英文): Hsüeh Shao-p'eng, a native of Ch'ang-an, went by the style name Tao-tsu and the sobriquet Ts'ui-wei chü-shih. In the late Northern Sung, Hsüeh singly devoted himself to the Chin style of calligraphy of Wang Hsi-chih. Along with the praise heaped upon him in a history of calligraphy by the Southern Sung emperor Kao-tsung, his style came to have an indirect influence on the atmosphere of revivalism in calligraphy of the Yuan dynasty. This scroll includes four works entitled “Poetry on Yün-ting Mountain”, “Shang-ch’ing”, “Tso-mien”, and “T'ung-ch'üan” mounted together into a single handscroll. Judging from the contents of the poetry and the place where it was completed, it was probably done when he was serving as an official in Szechwan. Since the calligraphy in the works was not done all at the same time, the style is not always very consistent. However, in general, the calligraphy was done in a quite systematic and regulated manner, with a soft elegance appearing among the characters and lines.(20061206)