门下帅羣臣宿道而方。在慎取相。佐王者脩政而美国。莫若求人。顾惟眇躬。获嗣大统。储思业业。不敢忘六圣之休。注意贤贤。将以总万方之治。褒进上宰。敷告外廷。正议大夫。守门下侍郎。上柱国。河内郡开国公。食邑三千四百户。食实封壹阡贰伯户。司马光。受材高明。履道醇固。智足以任天下之重。学足以知先王之言。逮事厚陵。徧仪侍从之列。被遇文考。擢总枢机之繁。有大臣特立之风。蹈君子难进之节。方予访落之始。起应秉钧之求。调娱万几。必先教化之意。辨察百职。不失礼义之中。是用谘诹佥言。褒加异数。越升左相之路。兼峻东台之班。申衍爰田。陪敦真食。于戏。上寅亮于天心。则阴阳风雨以之顺。下遂字乎物理。则山川草木以之宁。内阜安于兆民。外镇抚于四裔。盖辅相者为之基杖。而老成者重于典刑。勉行所闻。以底极治。可特授依前正议大夫。守尚书左仆射。兼门下侍郎。加食邑七百户。食实封参伯户。馀如故。主者施行。二日。侍中闻 。尚书左仆射兼门下侍郎臣光。未谢。尚书左丞权门下侍郎臣公着。(以上三行俱小楷书)。制可。(一行大行书)。给事中臣纯仁(以上六字小楷书。)等言。制书如右。请奉制付外施行。谨言。元祐元年闰二月日。闰二月初四日卯时。都事时忱。受。左司郎中林希。付。尚书令。阙。尚书左仆射光。未谢。尚书右仆射缜。尚书左丞公着。尚书右丞清臣。吏部尚书大防。吏部侍郎常。(以上九行官衔俱小楷书人名字体稍大)。告正议大夫。守尚书左仆射。兼门下侍郎。上柱国。河内郡开国公。食邑四千一百户。食实封壹阡伍伯户。司马光。奉被制书如右。符到奉行。司封郎中权述。主事贾大年。令史魏宗式。书令史。(以上三行俱小楷书。述字略大)。元祐元年闰二月日下。印记资料:
题跋类别:作者款识;作者: 元祐元年闰二月日;书体:行楷书;全文: 印记:尚书吏部主事之印、侍中闻、尚书左仆射兼门下侍郎臣光、未谢主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第三册,页1413 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷一),第一册,页73 参考书目: 1.王竞雄,〈无款书司马光拜左仆射告身〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页295- 297。 内容简介(中文): 「告身」是古代勋奖或任命文武官员的正式文书,性质与今日职官派令相近,具有公信力,可以作为授受的凭证。北宋哲宗元祐元年(1086),任命司马光为尚书左仆射兼门下侍郎,也就是俗话所说官拜宰相。这件宰相告身,材质为饰金花绫,书法犹带唐人古风,可以验证史书的记载,还有助于了解北宋官方文书的体制。至于告身文字之前司马光画像,为后人附加,并非告身原有的一部分。(20061206) 内容简介(中文): 「告身」就是朝廷授与官吏的任职令,而这份告身则是北宋朝廷于哲宗元祐元年〈1086〉颁给著名的政治家和史学家司马光〈1019-1086〉出任尚书左仆射的任命状。司马光拜相以后,把王安石变法以来对民有害的部分悉尽除去,但他只在位数个月就过世了。 这幅告身前面附有司马光的画像,而告身的书写则有柳字瘦劲的结构,参以颜书厚重的笔划,反映了当时负责抄写文书的北宋官吏的书风。 内容简介(英文): Appointment certificates were issued by the court in traditional China to officials as formal announcement of their position. This certificate was presented by the Sung court in 1086 to the famous statesman Ssu-ma Kuang(1019-1086)to announce his promotion to the high position of Left Vice Director. Not long thereafter, Ssu-ma Kuang successfully repealed the unpopular policies of Wang An-shih(1021-1086).However, Ssu-ma Kuang was only in office in office for several months before he passed away. Attached to the beginning of this certificate is a portrait of Ssu-ma Kuang. The style of calligraphy in this document is in the thin and tensile manner associated with Liu Kung-ch'üan(778-865)as well as some of the heaviness of the style of Yen Chen-ch'ing(709-785). Thus, it is an excellent example of the calligraphic style practiced by court scribes of this period. 内容简介(英文): In imperial times, an “appointment” was an official document for the award or appointment of a civil or military post, being similar to a dispatch order used by government officials today. Being an official document, it could be used as proof of appointment. In 1086, the first year of the Yüan-yu reign under Emperor Che-tsung, the famous scholar-official Ssu-ma Kuang was appointed as Left Vice Director of the Department of State Affairs and Vice Director of the Chancellery, which in more common terms would be the equivalent of Grand Councilor, or Prime Minister. The calligraphy of this appointment to the post of Prime Minister, done on golden ornamented thin silk, is similar to the archaic manner of the T’ang dynasty. Not only verifying historical fact, it also serves as evidence for understanding the format of Northern Sung official documents. The portrait of Ssu-ma Kuang appearing before the text, however, was added at a later date and not originally part of the document itself.(20061206)