哨彳扁。为米折腰。因酒弃家。口体交相累。归去来。谁不遣君归。觉从前俱非今是。露未晞。征夫指予归路。门前笑语喧童稚。嗟旧菊都荒。新松暗老。吾年今已如此。但小穴容膝闭柴扉。策杖看孤云暮鸿飞。云出无心。鸟倦知还。本非有意。噫。归去来兮。我今忘我兼忘世。亲戚无浪语。琴书中有真味。步翠麓崎岖。泛舟窈窕。涓涓暗谷流春水。观草木欣荣。幽人自感。吾生行且休矣。念寓形宇内复几时。不自觉皇皇欲何之。委吾心。去留谁计。神仙知在何处。富贵非吾事。但知临水登山啸咏。自引壶觞自醉。此生天命更奚疑。且乘流。遇坎还止。(小篆)。太行之阳(作旸)。环抱两山。盘(作般下同)谷真堪记。盘之间。泉(作灥)甘而土肥。草木蕃(作番)。居民尟至。或以为兹山宅幽而阻。隐人之所回旋地。嗟旧友良朋。李愿居此。其言真有(作又)深(作突)味。彼大丈夫者我知之。坐廊(作郎)庙。喜怒有恩威(作畏)。才俊盈前。窈(作穴皂) 窕闲居。命(作?)焉可致。噫(作?)。槃(作反般字)之间兮。野居穷处真(多示旁)忘世。渔(作鱼鱼)钓安所适。无疑忧。无誉毁。更黜步不(作否)知。废兴无与。丈夫不遇(作禺)当如此。嗟伺候权门。奔走势路。走次趄嚅(作口殳)嗫(作讘)而已。兄汗羞(作反羞字)戮辱老无(作亡)耻。子韩子闻言而壮之。饮之酒。复歌以系。盘之中。宫且稼。深阻谁争矣。吁欷。盘(作槃)有未央之乐。寿且康兮无比。无(作亡)不足兮更奚望。愿膏车禾未马从子。(钟鼎款识文)。水枫叶下。乍湖光清浅。凉生商素。西帝晨游罗翠盖。拥出三千宫女。绛釆娇春。铅华掩昼。占断鸳鸯浦。歌声摇曳。浣纱(作沙)人在何处。别岸孤褭一枝。广寒宫殿。冷落栖愁苦。雪豔冰肌羞淡泊。偷把胭脂注。媚脸笼霞。芳心泣露。不肯为云雨。金波影里。为谁长恁凝竚。宝庆丁亥(西元一二二七年)。识乐易先生于求是先生琴斋。一日书暇。取檃括哨(彳扁)。俾作二体篆。前一阕归去来。拟李监法。后一阕盘谷序。拟款识文。既就。适及中殊红白莲词。因小篆于轴末。乐易隶学高古。得横谿心传。是犹饫珍羞尝苜蓿云。七夕。河内常杓敬书。宣中篆画。得之于印阶。鸟迹书。叶虫痕。妙处与洪碑暗合。如朝摹夕搨而成。危步峄巅者。劳而无功也。此三词皆入妙之笔。持赠千里知音。知音者。(下一字漫漶)隶师乐易赵先生也。戊子上巳。印记资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第三册,页1505 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷三),第一册,页28-31 内容简介(中文): 常杓〈南宋人,西元十三世纪初〉,生平待考。本册书于南宋理宗宝庆三年〈西元1227年〉,第一段以小篆体作归去来词。第二段以钟鼎款识文体作盘谷序。第三段以小篆作红白莲词。小篆拟唐李阳冰,圆劲而有古风。 内容简介(中文): 常杓〈南宋人,西元十三世纪初〉,生平待考。本册书于南宋理宗宝庆三年〈西元1227年〉。篆书是中国最古老的字体,从商代的甲骨文到秦朝的小篆,通行的期间长达一千馀年,由于年代、地域的不同,有许多相异的字体。本作作品的第一段是以小篆体作「归去来」词,学习的是唐代李阳冰的小篆书体,笔划正如铁线般的回转。第二段则以钟鼎款识文体作「盘谷序」,笔划起始与终止较细,中段较租。第三段以小篆作红白莲词。 内容简介(中文): 常杓的生平资料不清楚。作者自题书写于宝庆丁亥(西元一二二七年)七夕。篆书是中国最古老的字体,从商代的甲骨文到秦朝的小篆,通行的期间长达一千馀年,由于年代、地域的不同,有许多相异的字体。本件的第一阕词〈归去来〉学习的是唐代李阳冰的小篆书体,笔划正如铁线般的回转;第二阕〈盘谷序〉用的是铜器铭文的书体,笔划起始与终止较细,中段稍粗,是这种书体的特征。(20110710) 内容简介(英文): The biographical information of Chang Biao remains unknown, but the artist dated this work to 1227. Seal script is an ancient calligraphic form in China. From the oracle bone script of the Shang dynasty to the small seal script of the Qin dynasty, it has a history of more than a thousand years. Due to differences over time and place, many variations emerged. In this work, the first section is a transcription of “Homecoming Ode” and modeled after the small seal script of Li Yangbing (fl. 8th c.). The strokes turn as if they were pieces of steel wire. The second section transcribes “Pangu Preface,” taking after the script type of bronze inscriptions. The beginnings and ends of the strokes are marked as being finer than the center parts.(20110710) 内容简介(英文): Biographical information for Ch'ang Piao remains unknown. The artist dated this work to 1227. Seal script is an ancient calligraphic form in China. From the oracle bone script of the Shang dynasty to the small seal script of the Ch'in dynasty, it has a history of more than a thousand years. Due to differences over time and area, many variations emerged. In this work, the first section is a transcription of "Homecoming Ode" and is modeled after the small seal script of Li Yang-ping(fl. 8th c.). The strokes turn as if they are pieces of steel wire. The second transcribes "The P'an-ku Preface," taking after the script type of bronze inscriptions. The beginning and ends of the strokes are marked by being finer than the center parts. The third section is the Pink and White Lotus Poem done in small seal script. 内容简介(英文): Biographical information for Ch'ang Piao remains unknown, but the artist calligraphic from in China. From the oracle bone script of the Ch'in dynasty, it has a history of more than a thousand years. Due to differences over time and area, many variations emerged. In this work, the first section is a transcription of "Homecoming Ode" and is modeled after the small seal script of Li Yang-ping(fl. 8th c.). The strokes turn as if they are pieces of steel wire. The second transcribes "The P'an-ku Preface," taking after the script type of bronze inscriptions. The beginning and ends of the strokes are marked by being finer than the center parts.