题跋类别:题跋;作者:姜尸 金华姜尸;书体:楷书;全文:古人书法。魏有锺元常。晋有王逸少。唐则欧虞颜柳。前后相望。今观诸家之书。皆潇洒出尘。应规入矩。中间柳氏颜氏。虽有肥浊瘦硬不同。然皆各得字之精妙。有未易以声音笑貌及之也。下此则宋西台李建中。其书法尽得古人之妙。故能风轨魏晋。扫湔尘俗。得其一点一画者。皆可宝玩。而况全简累字如此。君子能珍藏之。庶李氏之书不朽矣。金华姜尸。印记:玉门居士、岁寒松柏、师善斋、姜氏、显忠图书主题:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(干清宫),第一册,页473-477 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷三),第一册,页154-159 收藏着录: 故宫历代法书全集,第十一册,页90-93、198-202 参考书目: 1.何传馨,〈李建中谘〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《宋代书画册页名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页233-234。2.何炎泉,〈李建中书谘(土母帖)〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页463- 467。3.何传馨,〈「七十件书画册页名品特展」精选(三) — 李建中谘册〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第148期(1995年7月),页46-48。 内容简介(中文): 李建中(西元945-1013年),字得中,蜀人,宋太祖干德三年〈965〉蜀平,迁居洛阳。太平兴国八年〈983〉中进士,历官着作郎、殿中丞及通判、知州,景德〈1004-1007〉中,进金部员外郎,晚年居洛阳,掌西京留司御史台,人称「李西台」。此帖又称「土母帖」。受信人不详,信中提到「新安垂夬门」〈河南新安县阙门山〉,推测是晚年在西京时所书。用笔方中带圆,结体丰腴淳厚,整体结严谨,笔画遒媚,存风骨于肥厚之内,犹有唐代颜真卿、徐浩之风。可知赵孟頫所谓「西台书去唐未远,犹有唐人馀风」之言不虚。本幅选自「宋十二名家法书」册第一幅。 内容简介(中文): 李建中(945-1013),字得中,北宋蜀(今四川)人。太平兴国八年(983)进士,历太常博士、直集贤院、工部郎中。晚年居住西京(今河南洛阳)时,深为当地风土民情所吸引,三次请求留作西京留守御史台的职事,人称「李西台」。此帖受信人不详,从内容推测应为晚年所书。整体结构严谨,用笔方中带圆,线条丰腴而淳厚,虽多显颜真卿、杨凝式之影响,然亦有二王遗绪,显露五代宋初的书法风尚。(20061206) 内容简介(英文): Li Chien-chung, style name Teh-chung, was a native of Shu (modern Szechwan). In 983, during the early Northern Sung, he became a Presented Scholar and served in such government positions as Erudite of the Chamberlain of Ceremonials, Auxiliary in the Academy of Scholarly Worthies, and Director of the Ministry of Works. In later years, he lived in the Western Capital (Hsi-ching; modern Loyang, Honan) and was quite attracted to the local customs of the people there. Three times he requested to remain as the Regent Censor of the Western Capital, which is why he was known as “Western Censor Li”. Although the recipient is unknown, this letter would appear from the contents to have been done in Li's later years. The overall composition of the characters is precise and the brushwork angular but with a touch of roundness. The lines are also full and straightforward. Although showing much influence of Yen Chen-ch’ing and Yang Ning-shih, there is also evidence of the style of the Two Wangs, revealing the trend of calligraphy during the Five Dynasties and early Sung period.(20061206) 内容简介(英文): Li Chien-chung (style name Te-chung) was a native of Szechuan who, with the pacification of that area in 965, moved to Loyang. In 983, he received his chin-shih civil service degree and served in a variety of government positions, such as Editiorial Director, Palace Administrator, and Controller-general. During the Ching-te era(1004-1007), he became Outer Gentleman of the Treasury Bureau, living his later years in Loyang while holding the title Auxiliary Censorate of the Western Capital (earning the nickname "Li, the Western Censorate"). The work is also known as the "T'u-mu t'ieh." Although the recipient is unknown, the letter mentions the site "Ch'üeh-men, Hsin-an" (modern Mt. Ch'ueh-men, Hsin-an County, Honan Province), which may indicate it was written by Li when he was in the Western Capital. The use of the brush is centered and rounded, and the composition of each character is thick and dense. The overall structure is still solemn, but the brushstrokes have a certain beauty, giving the characters both solidity and attractiveness. It is as if Li has combined the style of the T'ang calligraphers Yen Chen-ch'ing(709-785) and Hsü Hao (703-782). Chao Meng-fu(1254-1322) was not exaggerating when he wrote, "The calligraphy of Hai-t'ai 【Li Chien-chung】is removed from the T'ang【in time】, but is still derived from it. This is the first leaf in the album Sung shih-erh ming-chia fa-shu.