收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(养心殿),第二册,页1095 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷三),第一册,页176 参考书目: 1.何炎泉,〈宋徽宗诗帖、书牡丹诗帖〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页421- 425。 2.王耀庭,〈帝国的回忆 国立故宫博物院瑰宝赴法展专辑二 — 宋徽宗书牡丹诗〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第186期(1998年9月),页4-5。 内容简介(中文): 宋徽宗。姓赵名佶。西元一0八二至一一三五。建元六。建中靖国。崇宁。大观。政和。重和。宣和。万机之暇。惟好书画。天纵之妙。有晋唐风韵。书史会要云。徽宗行草正书。笔势劲逸。初学薛稷。变其法度。自号瘦金书。此册选自宋代墨宝。为徽宗传世精品。 内容简介(中文): 宋徽宗书法,别成一体,自号「瘦金书」,特征是笔迹细瘦,在转折处,将藏锋露锋运转顿痕迹,保留下来,那就成为瘦金书的基本笔画架构。如写一横,起笔处是尖,先斜下,而后横行,收笔留有一顿点,即是特点之一。结体虽楷,而整体运笔,大都直来直往,飘忽快捷,似行如草。 内容简介(中文): 宋徽宗(1082-1135),赵佶,神宗子,哲宗时封端王。登位前,独好笔研丹青,与王诜、赵令穰等交往。在位时广搜历代文物、书画,极一时之盛,对内府收藏分门别类,编成《宣和书谱》、《宣和画谱》等书。他在楷书上开创出瘦劲锋利的「瘦金体」,笔法概念接近唐代薛曜,特征是笔划健劲,起收笔及转折处保留了运笔的提顿痕迹。单字结体虽多楷意,而整体运笔飘忽快捷,似行如草。(20061206) 内容简介(英文): Emperor Hui-tsung's personal name was Chao Chi. The son of Emperor Shen-tsung, he was enfeoffed as the Prince of Tuan during the reign of Emperor Che-tsung. Before assuming the throne, he devoted much of his time to painting and calligraphy, often associating with such artist-relatives of the imperial family as Wang Shen and Chao Ling-jang. As emperor, he expanded his search throughout the land for works of ancient painting and calligraphy as well as antiquities. Amassing a great collection of art, it was organized in such catalogues as Hsüan-ho Calligraphy Manual and Hsüan-ho Painting Manual. In regular script calligraphy, he created a very thin and razor-like style known as “slender gold script”. The idea behind the brush method is similar to that of Hsüeh Yao of the T'ang dynasty, but marked by strong strokes and dramatic twists of the brush at the turning points that retain traces of pauses in the brush movement. Although individual characters are in the manner of regular script, the overall brush movement is quick and light, in a style similar to that of cursive script.(20061206) 内容简介(英文): Emperor Hui Tsung's personal name was Chao Chi. He eatablished seven periods during his reign. When free of the countless affairs of state, he would turn to his foremost loves--painting and calligraphy. A man of particular genius, his works possess the flavor of the Chin and T'ang dynasty masters. T'ao Tsung-i (fl. 1350's) says of the Emperor in his Shu-shih Hui-yao: "The force of the brush in Hui Tsung's semi-cursive, cursive and regular scripts is powerful and untrammeled. He first studied the calligraphy of Hsüeh Chi (648-718) and then altered his master's brush method and manner to produce a style which he himself called 'slender gold script.'" This leaf is taken from an album titled "Ink Treasures of the Sung dynasty" and is one of Hui Tsung's finest extant works. 研究性论着: 宋徽宗(1082--1135),姓赵名佶,宋代第八位皇帝,神宗十一子,兄哲宗崩无子嗣,因而继位。以宠信蔡京,尊奉道教,大事营造道观,生活奢华,致使国家财力靡费。北方金国南下后,让位钦宗,自为道君教主皇帝,终为金兵所掳,死于五国城。徽宗虽为亡国之君,然性好书画,禀赋极高。书画无不精工,并善体物情,花鸟画描绘,刻划入微,尤为擅长。主导北宋晚期画院,影响中国后代院画至剧。宋徽宗书法,别成一体,自号「瘦金书」(注1 )。宋徽宗书法,特征是笔迹细瘦。笔画细瘦,在转折处,将藏锋露锋运转提顿痕迹,保留下来,那就成为瘦金书的基本笔画架构。如写一横,起笔处是尖,先斜下,而后横行,收笔留有一顿点,即是特点之一。结体虽楷,而整体运笔,大都直来直往,飘忽快捷,似行如草。(王耀庭)注1:蔡绦,《铁围山丛谈》卷一,收录于《笔记小说大观》(台北;新兴书局,1975),第六编第二册。 研究性论着: 赵佶(1082-1135) 即宋徽宗。北宋书画家。神宗子,哲宗时封端王。登位前,独好笔研丹青,图史射御。与王诜、赵令穰、黄庭坚、吴元瑜等交往。在位(1100-1125)期间,政治腐败,穷奢极侈,任由蔡京、童贯等权奸把持朝政,推行「守内虚外」政策,河北、山东、江南等地农民暴动迭起。宣和七年十二月(西元1126年1月),传位子赵桓(钦宗),自称「太上皇」。靖康二年(1127),与钦宗等被金兵俘虏,死于五国城之越里吉(今黑龙江依兰)。在位时广收历代文物、书画,极一时之盛;亲自掌管翰林图画院,使文臣编辑《宣和书谱》、《宣和画谱》、《宣和博古图》等书。任米芾为书画学博士,赐予画院的画家佩带金紫鱼袋,将画院列在其他各院(书、琴、棋等)之上。任命宋子房为主考官,用科举办法选拔画家,对绘画艺术,具有推动和倡导的贡献。擅书法,真书学薛曜,草书学黄庭坚,后自创瘦劲锋利如「屈铁断金」的「瘦金体」。《铁围山丛谈》谓:「裕陵(赵佶)作黄庭坚书体,后自成一法。」传世书迹有真书及草书《千字文卷》等,现藏上海博物馆。绘画得吴元瑜传授,继承崔白风格,重视写生,体物入微,以精工逼真着称;工花鸟,相传用生漆点鸟睛,尤见生动。认为画孔雀上墩,必先左脚。经观察一如期言。亦擅山水和人物。获有「妙体众行、兼备各法」之誉。但有些作品乃画院中高手代笔。画后押字用「天水」及「宣和」、「政和」小玺或用瓢印虫鱼篆文,还常押书「天下一人」。传世作品有《芙蓉锦鸡图》轴,现藏北京故宫博物院;《柳塘芦雁图》卷,藏上海博物馆;《摹张宣虢国夫人游春图》卷,藏辽宁省博物馆。