主要主题:节令与二十四节气年节 ;其他主题:山水奇石 ;其他主题:花草茶花 ;其他主题:花草水仙 ;其他主题:花草梅(白.红.蜡梅) ;其他主题:花草牡丹技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(御书房),第四册,页1917 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页48-49 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第一册,页199-200 参考书目: 1.〈宋赵昌岁朝图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《名宝上珍》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页215。2.刘芳如,〈宋赵昌岁朝图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《画梅名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1991年元月初版),页79。3.刘芳如,〈中国古画里的草虫世界 — 「草虫天地」特展介绍(上)〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第220期(2001年7月),页7。4.〈传宋 赵昌 岁朝图〉,收入谭怡令、刘芳如、林莉娜主编,《满庭芳 历代花卉名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),页174。 5.陈昱全,〈传赵昌〈岁朝图〉与「舖殿花」〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第337期(2011年4月),页48-57。 内容简介(中文): 赵昌(约十世纪末至十一世纪初),四川成都人。字昌之。善画花卉,每晨朝露下,时遶栏谛观,手中调彩色写之,自号写生,作品传世甚少。 宋郭若虚「图画见闻志」,有铺殿花一条谓:「江南徐熙辈,于缣素上画丛豔叠石,傍出药苗,杂以禽鸟蜂蝉之妙,供宫中挂设。又有装堂花,意在位置端庄,骈罗整肃,多不取生意自然之态。」盖略同于今之图案画,本幅构景命意,或此一派之流衍。 内容简介(英文): Chao Ch'ang (style name Ch'ang-chih) was a native of Ch'eng-tu, Szechuan. A skilled painter of flowers, he got up early every morning, went to the balustrade, and carefully looked at the plants. Using his colors, Chao depicted what he saw and thus later adopted the sobriquet Hsieh-sheng (“Sketching from Life”). Unfortunately, his surviving works are extremely rare today. In Kuo Jo-hsu's Record of Experiences in Painting (1074), he included a section entitled “Arranging Flowers in the Palace Halls” in which he stated, “On fine silk to be hung in the palace, artists like Hsü Hsi of Kiangnan painted masses of flowers and layers of stones with herbs and sprouts next to them, as well as an assortment of birds and insects.” The paintings in another section, “Making Flowers for the Hall,” were meant to have dignified and balanced compositions, but lacked liveliness and naturalness. They were thus similar in spirit to decorative paintings still being produced today. This might have been the intent behind the composition of this work, suggesting the prevelance of this type of painting through the ages. 网页展示说明 赵昌(10-11世纪间),字昌之,四川成都人。善画花卉,每于清晨朝露下,对景描摹,故自号写生。郭若虚〈图画见闻志〉有「铺殿花」一条,谓徐熙于缣素上描绘花卉奇石,掺以鸟虫,专供宫廷挂设之用,又名「装堂花」。此类作品布置多较工整繁密,不刻意表现自然生态。〈歳朝图〉的构景命意,不无侔合处,或即徐熙「铺殿花」的传派。本幅虽有「臣昌」二字款,但以笔墨画风论,应是宋以后画家的讬名之作。(20110102) 网页展示说明 Zhao Chang (style name Changzhi) was a native of Chengdu in Sichuan. Excelling at painting flowers, he went out every morning in the dew to capture the scenery, using a method he called "sketching from life."In Guo Ruoxu's Record of Experiences in Painting is a section that mentions "palace-filling flowers." It was a kind of hanging scroll format specially designed for the court, in which Xu Xi (fl. 9th-10th c.) depicted flowers and exotic rocks on fine silk combined with birds and insects. Also known as "hall-decorating flowers," this kind of work features an arrangement of many motifs in a fine yet complex composition that intentionally does not seek to express scenery as it appears in nature. The choice of the title and composition for "Picture of the New Year" here is not without reason, for it is still in the tradition of Xu Xi's "palace-filling flowers." Although two characters for the signature "Servitor Chang" appear here, the brushwork and painting style suggest the work of a post-Song dynasty (960-1279) painter. (20110102) 网页展示说明 赵昌(10-11世纪の间)、字は昌之、四川成都の人。花卉画を善くし、毎朝、朝露も干かぬ早朝に写生をしたので、自ら写生と号した。郭若虚『図画见闻志』に「铺殿花」という项目がある。それによると徐熙は、缣素(书画に用いる绢布)に鸟类や昆虫も添えて花卉や奇石を描き、宫廷の装饰用にのみ供用したといい、これらの作品を「装堂花」とも称した。この种の作品は、きっちりと整った构図にびっしりと描き込まれたものが多く、自然の生态を表现しようとしたものではない。「歳朝図」の构図や主题はそれに合致する部分があり、徐熙の「铺殿花」の流れを汲む流派であろう。本作には「臣昌」二文字の款があるが、笔致や画风から见るに、宋代以降の画家が赵昌の名で描いた作と思われる。 (20110102) 研究性论着: 「岁朝图」上虽有赵昌的名款「臣昌」二字,但以笔墨画风及苔石坡草等的画法而论,则不似宋代风格(注1)。诗塘上乾隆皇帝题曰:「盖画幅本大,或有破损处,为庸贾割去,别署伪款,所存已非全璧。」而从画幅边缘裁切的不甚自然来看,当有此可能性。(注2)幅中梅花、山茶、水仙和长春花,以朱砂、白粉、胭脂、石绿画成,再用石青填底,色彩明丽,显得富丽堂皇。其构图特殊,由湖石和繁密交错的花朵,布满整个画面,丝毫不留空地,整齐严肃,极具装饰的效果。在宋郭若虚的《图画见闻志》中提及,南唐宫廷中有被称为「铺殿花」的绘画作品,为宫院挂设之用,必需位置端庄,骈罗整肃,多不取生意自然之态(注3),而此幅作品的构图命意正与之相吻合,可作为此一风格延续的代表。赵昌(约10世纪末至11世纪初),字昌之,四川成都人。善画花果,常于清晨朝露下,遶栏观赏花卉,并即时描绘之,因自号「写生赵昌」。然传世的作品甚少,故已难于确认其绘画风貌。(谭怡令)注1:Flowers of the New Year's Day. Plum blossoms, camelias, narcissus, andothers by a rockery. Twospurious signatures. Ming decorative work; see James Cahill, An Index ofEarly Chinese Painters -T'ang, Sung, and Yuan (Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980), p.60.注2:国立故宫博物院编,《故宫名画三百种》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1959),第二册,页54。注3:「铺殿花」:「江南徐熙辈,有于双缣幅素上画丛艳叠石,傍出药苗,杂以禽鸟蜂蝉之妙,乃是供李主宫中挂设之具,谓之铺殿花。次曰装堂花,意在位置端庄,骈罗整肃,多不取生意自然之态,故观者往往不甚采鉴。」郭若虚,《图画见闻志》卷六,收录于《画史丛书》(台北:文史哲出版社,1974),第一册,页238。