主要主题:佛道人物观音 ;其他主题:水中动植物鱼 ;其他主题:器用篮.篓.箩筐提篮;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)坐垫技法:
收藏着录: 秘殿珠林续编(干清宫),页96 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页126 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页17 内容简介(中文): 据观音感应传所载:唐元和十二年,陜西金沙滩上,有一美女子携篮鬻鱼,人争欲室之,惟马氏子能诵法华经,故令具礼成婚。入门,女即死,有高僧告马氏子云:此观音示现以化汝耳。故又称马郎妇观音,为三十三观音之一,是乃鱼篮观音之由来。本幅观音盘坐画幅正中,亦以民妇姿态出现。前置竹篮中,有鱼一尾,却与观音的衣纹线条和脸部轮廓线一般,俱因年代久远而模糊不清,仅依稀可见鱼鳞而已。 内容简介(中文): 据〈观音感应传〉所载:唐元和十二年,陜西金沙滩上,有一美女子携篮鬻鱼,人争欲室之,女愿嫁善诵《法华经》者,惟马氏子能诵之,故令具礼成婚。入门,女即死,有高僧告马氏子云:此观音示现以化人耳。故又称马郎妇观音,为三十三观音之一,为鱼篮观音由来。本幅观音盘坐画幅正中,以民妇姿态出现。前置竹篮中,有鱼一尾,因年代久远而模糊不清,仅依稀可见鱼鳞而已。(20091016) 内容简介(英文): According to Biographies of Guanyin’s Manifestations, in 817 CE during the Tang dynasty a beautiful young woman sold fish from a basket in Jinshatan, Shensi. Of the many who competed for her hand, she would only marry a man who could recite the Lotus Sutra, and he was surnamed Ma. The new bride, however, died right after marriage. A high monk then told him that she was a manifestation of Guanyin, the bodhisattva of compassion. Thus, she was considered one of Guanyin’s 33 manifestations, shown with a fish basket. In this work Guanyin is seated and looks like a village maiden. Her bamboo basket with a single fish appears before her. The painting has lost some if its detail and clarity with age, but in places the fish scales can still be seen.(20091016) 内容简介(英文): According to the Kuan-yin kan-ying chuan, in A.D.817 there was a beautiful young woman who sold fish from a basket living in Chin-sha-t'an, Shansi. Of the many who competed for her hand, the victor was a young man named Ma who could recite the Lotus sutra. The new bride, however, died right after getting married. A monk told the young man that the woman was a manifestation of Kuan-yin who had come to aid in their salvation. For this reason, Kuan-yin with the Fish Basket is one of the thirty-three manifestations of Kuan-yin. In this painting, Kuan-yin, shown seated, has the appearance of a village lass. Her bamboo basket is placed in front; in which lies a single fish. The painting has lost some if its detail and clarity with age, but in places the scales of the fish can still be seen.