题跋类别:作者款识;作者:张舜咨;题跋位置:本幅;款识:至正丁亥(西元一三四七年)冬。师夔为伯雅作。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:张舜咨印、张师夔氏、栎山之阳主题:
主要主题:山水 主要主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 主要主题:树木寒林.枯树寒林主要主题:树木柏技法:
写意 皴法披麻皴苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1603 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页181 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第四册,页189-190 内容简介(中文): 张舜咨(活动于西元十四世纪中期),又作张义上,字师夔,号栎里子,浙江人。本幅作于至正七年(西元一三四七年),描绘几株老树挺立在土坡石傍,远山、飞泉之外别无他物。空山溪谷寂静幽深,只有潺潺的泉声不断传来。画树枝,好像写书法似地一笔一笔写成。皴法的用笔扭转交错,有活泼灵动的感觉。 内容简介(中文): 张舜咨(西元十四世纪),字师夔,号栎里子,浙江杭州人。擅作山水、树木、竹石。用笔沉着,颇有气势,亦兼工书法、诗文。 本幅作于至正七年(一三四七年),描绘几株老树挺立于土坡石傍,远山、飞泉之外别无他物。空山溪谷寂静幽深,彷彿听见潺潺的泉声不断传来。画树枝,彷彿写书法般一笔一笔写成。皴法的线条则扭转交错,极为活泼灵动。(20121016) 内容简介(英文): Zhang Shunzi (style name Shikui, sobriquet Lilizi), a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, specialized in landscape, tree, and bamboo-and-stone painting. His brushwork is steady with great vigor, and he also was good at calligraphy as well as poetry and prose. This work done in 1347 depicts several old trees standing on a rocky embankment. Aside from the distant ridges and falls, little else is seen here. The empty hills and river valley appear secluded, the splashing sounds of the falls seeming to continuously emanate from within. For the tree branches, the artist apparently used calligraphic methods to built them up stroke by stroke. The lines of the texture strokes twist and interlock for an extremely lively and spirited manner.(20121016) 内容简介(英文): Chang Shun-tzu, also known as Chang Hsi-shang (style name Shih-k'uei; sobriquet Li-1i-tzu), was a native of Chekiang.This work, painted in 1347, is a depiction of several ancient trees standing along a rocky embankment. Aside from the distant mountain ridges and cascading waterfall, little else is represented in the scene. The sky, hills, stream, and valley areas are profoundly quiet and secluded; only the splashing, gurgling sounds of the surging, unbroken falls are audible.The artist appears to have built up calligraphic brushstrokes to depict the tree branches. The artist wielded his brush to form twisting, curving, and interlocking strokes which convey a lively and expressive feeling.