题跋类别:作者款识;作者:曹知白;题跋位置:本幅;款识:群山雪霁;书体:楷书;全文: 印记:素轩主题:
主要主题:山水冬景(雪景) ;次要主题:山水江河、湖海 ;次要主题:建筑房舍 ;次要主题:树木松 ;其他主题:树木寒林.枯树 ;其他主题:建筑亭技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(养心殿),上册,页647 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页195 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第四册,页125-126 参考书目: 1.许郭璜,〈元曹知白群峰雪霁〉,收入《李郭山水画系特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1999年初版),页43-46。2.蒋复璁,〈黄公望题曹知白群峰雪霁〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《元四大家》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年二版,1984年三版),页40。3.许郭璜,〈曹知白群峰雪霁〉,收入石守谦、葛婉章主编,《大汗的世纪:蒙元时代的多元文化与艺术》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2001年初版),页303-304。4.许郭璜,〈行走于蒙元的艺廊里 — 「大汗的世纪」特展 元曹知白群峰雪霁〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第225期(2001年12月),页20-21。5.温淑姿,《曹知白「群峰雪霁图」相关问题之研究》,中国文化学院艺术研究所硕士论文,1986年。6.杨元铮,〈谈耿昭忠与安岐的两方"珍祕"印〉,《故宫博物院院刊》,总第141期(2009年第1期),页60-63。7.陈韵如,〈元黄公题曹知白群峰雪霁〉,收入何传馨主编,《山水合璧:黄公望与富春山居图特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年五月初版一刷),页315-316。 内容简介(中文): 曹知白(西元一二七二─一三五五年),华亭(今上海)人。字又玄,一字贞素,号云西。擅长山水画,属于郭熙一派。 峰峦满罩白雪,圆浑厚重。山脊上枯树寒林挺立,江面空阔,舟船行旅都已绝迹,呈现出荒寒静寂的感觉,笔墨则有着疏朗淡雅的韵味。据幅上黄公望的题识,曹氏作此画时七十九岁,而黄氏年已八十二岁。 内容简介(英文): Ts'ao Chih-po, a native of Hua-t'ing (modern Shanghai), specialized in landscape painting which falls into the Kuo Hsi tradition. The rounded peaks in this painting are covered with a thick layer of snow. Clusters of dry and wintry trees dot the fore-, middle-, and background. The river is empty and vast, without a single trace of a traveler on either foot or boat. This even further emphasizes the sense of frigid cold and solitude. The use of brush and ink are harmoniously light and elegant. According to the inscription in the upper left corner by the famed artist Huang Kung-wang, Ts'ao Chih-po did this work at the age of 78, which would date it to 1350. 网页展示说明 另外,有学者认为「雪图」,可能是曹知白早年精仿宋人之作。曹知白(1271?1355)字又玄,一字贞素,号云西,华亭人。据记载,知白身长七尺,美须髯,性机敏。曾北游京师,王侯巨富,多折节相交。后南归隐居读易。工山水画,平远法李成,山水师郭熙,笔墨清润,笔简意淡,景致幽雅,全无俗气。如「群峰雪霁」,画峰峦复雪,枯树寒林挺立,江面空寂,布局与「雪图」在笔墨或章法看来,关系很密切。但是两相比较之下,「群峰雪霁」的主峰,分上下层叠,气势已大为减弱,前景河岸加宽,为元人一河两岸的构图形式,山石造型趋于圆浑,勾画松针笔法较秀致。而「雪图」大抵用干笔焦墨为多,运笔雄强劲健,淡墨层层烘染,画风淳厚拙朴,与曹知白「群峰雪霁」图,给人一种清气可爱的文秀气质不尽相似。因此不管从构图、笔墨、作画意念等各方面看「雪图」,应非出于元人绘制,而是出于北宋末李郭系统的传承者所作。 网页展示说明 Ts'ao Chih-po, a native of Hua-t'ing (modern Shanghai), specialized in landscape painting, which falls into the Kuo Hsi tradition. The rounded peaks in this painting are covered with a thick layer of snow. Clusters of dry and wintry trees dot the fore-, middle-, and background. The river is empty and vast, without a single trace of any traveler on either foot or boat. This even further emphasizes the sense of frigid cold and solitude. The use of brush and ink are harmoniously light and elegant. According to the inscription in the upper left corner by the famed artist Huang Kung-wang, Ts'ao Chih-po did this work at the age of 78, which would date it to 1350. 网页展示说明 曹知白(1272-1355)字贞素,号云西,为华亭大族。此为斋名「懒云窝」的西瑛作于至正十年(1350)。画作以层叠的浑圆山体为主,皴染简练,仅于山石交界部分略加笔墨,更点出此一雪霁山景的温润明朗。黄公望与曹知白往来密切,在画上题识推崇曹知白「笔意古淡」,显然意识到曹知白于董源风格的主流中加入李郭传统的新成就。黄公望的雪图〈九峰雪霁〉(北京故宫博物院藏)亦属突破董源传统的新类型。(20110609) 网页展示说明 Cao Zhibo (style name Zhensu, sobriquet Yunxi), from an important clan in Huating, did this painting of Xiying's ''Lanyun wo'' studio in 1350. The work is composed mostly of layered and rounded mountain forms, the texturing and washes succinct and only some brush and ink added to the borders of the landscape elements, which are further dotted for bright and gentle scenery of clearing after snow. Huang Gongwang, who maintained close relations with Cao Zhibo, in his inscription on the painting admired ''the archaic plainness to the brush idea'' of Cao. Huang evidently was conscious of Cao Zhibo's new achievement in adding the Li-Guo (Li Cheng and Guo Xi) tradition to the mainstream Dong Yuan style. Huang Gongwang's painting of snow in ''Nine Peaks Clearing after Snow'' (in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing) also belongs to this new kind of style that breaks down the boundaries of the Dong Yuan tradition.(20110609) 网页展示说明 曹知白(1272-1355)、字は贞素、号は云西、华亭(松江の旧称)の大族の出。至正10年(1350)に西瑛(斎名は懒云窝)のために描かれた作品。本作は重なり连なる丸い山々を中心に描いてある。皴染は简洁で、岩石が交わる箇所にのみわずかに笔が加えられ、雪晴れの山景の明るさや温かさが际立っている。黄公望と曹知白は非常に亲しく、题识で曹知白の「笔意古淡」を讃え、曹知白が主流であった董源の画风に李郭の伝统を加えたこと、その新たな成果を强く意识している。黄公望の雪図「九峰雪霁」(北京故宫博物院蔵)もまた董源の伝统を突破した新しいタイプの作品である。(20110609)