题跋类别:作者款识;作者:张中;题跋位置:本幅;款识:子政为(款识缺。存子政为三字。);书体:行书;全文: 印记:张氏子政、游于艺题籤清高宗 张守中枯荷㶉鶒真蹟。御府珍玩。印记:乾隆宸翰主题:
主要主题:翎毛鸳鸯二只主要主题:花草莲荷 ;其他主题:山水秋景 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海江河;其他主题:花草技法:
写意 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1116 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页231-232 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第五册,页123-124 参考书目: 1.〈元张中枯荷㶉鶒〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《名宝上珍》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页257。2.谭怡令,〈元陈琳溪凫图〉,收入谭怡令编,《画?珍禽》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1988年十月初版),页88-89。 内容简介(中文): 张中(活动于西元一三三六—一三六○),又名张守中,江苏松江人,字子政。画山水师黄公望,善花鸟,亦能墨戏。 本幅虽属设色作品,但以墨为主,鸳鸯略加颜色点染,鲜妍可爱,颇具淡雅之趣。枯荷断茎,画有倒影,为古画中少见。此画题款由左而右书写,极为特别。按理,原来应有「子政为某某人」等字,后经裱褙裁去,故仅存「子政为」三字。 内容简介(英文): Chang Chung, style name Tzu-cheng and a native of Kiangsu province, studied the landscape style of Huang Kung-wang and excelled at birds-and-flowers. He often experimented with painting. Although a touch of color is found in this work, monochrome ink predominates. The color was mostly used for the male duck to make it fresh and lovely while complementing the light and elegant features. The rocks and broken stem extend below the surface of the water, which is quite rare in Chinese painting. The artist's inscription done from left to right is also unusual for Chinese writing. Originally, it should have read, "Made by Tzu-cheng for so-and-so," but it may have been remounted and trimmed to just read "Made by Tzu-cheng." 网页展示说明 张中(活动于西元1336–1360年间),江苏松江人,字子政。善花鸟,亦能墨戏。此幅写深秋荷塘一隅,一对㶉鶒(紫鸳鸯)在堤岸小憩,雄㶉鶒威风凛凛,雌㶉鶒匍匐在地,蒲草随风摇曳,枯荷断茎,在水中映出依稀的倒影。作者以劲健笔力勾勒蒲草荷梗,设色颇具淡雅之趣,有「元代写生第一」之誉。题款原应有「子政为某某人」等字,后经裱褙裁去,仅存「子政为」。(20120714) 网页展示说明 Zhang Zhong (style name Zizheng) was native to Songjiang in Jiangsu. He excelled at birds-and-flowers and ink play. This work depicts the corner of a lotus pond in late autumn. A pair of waterfowl similar to mandarin ducks rests on the shore. The majestic male appears with a female crouched on the ground behind. Cattails bend in the breeze with a couple stems of withered lotus. Reflections and forms appear on and under the water. The artist used strong brushwork to outline the cattails and lotus stalks, the coloring having an elegantly light touch worthy of it as "the best 'sketching from life' of the Yuan." The inscription originally probably read, "Made by Zizheng for So-and-so," but after remounting only "Made by Zizheng for…" remains.(20120714) 网页展示说明 张中(1336-1360に活动)、江苏松江の人、字は子政。花鸟画を善くし、その他の絵画にも优れていた。秋深い莲池の一角で羽根を休めるつがいの㶉鶒(オシドリに似た水鸟)が描かれている。オスは凛とした様子で岸辺に立ち、メスは地面に伏せている。风に揺れるガマの叶、枯れて萎びた莲、水面にうっすらと影が映っている。作者は力のこもった笔遣いでガマの叶と莲の茎を描いている。着色は非常に淡く上品な趣がある。张中は「元代写生第一」と讃えられた。题款は「子政为○○○」などと书かれるべきだが、后に表装の际に切り取られてしまい、「子政为」しか残っていない。(20120714)