题跋类别:作者款识;作者:文伯仁;题跋位置:本幅;款识:嘉靖甲子(西元一五六四年)春日。五峰山人文伯仁写。;书体:草书;全文: 印记:伯仁、德承父主题:
主要主题:山水 ;次要主题:树木寒林.枯树 ;次要主题:树木松 ;次要主题:建筑台阁 ;次要主题:建筑亭 ;其他主题:建筑桥板桥;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉溪涧;其他主题:山水山径 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士)隐士2人;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:树木枫树.槭树技法:
写意 皴法披麻皴人物衣纹描法(减笔)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编﹝养心殿﹞,上册,页655 收藏着录: 故宫书画录﹝卷五﹞,第三册,页396-397 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第八册,页79-80 内容简介(中文): 文伯仁(西元一五○二-一五七五年),长洲(江苏苏州)人。文征明从子,字德承,号五峰,又号葆生、摄山老农。善画山水人物,学王蒙而不失家法。 此画作于嘉靖甲子(一五六四),时作者六十三岁。六十九岁再题诗,松冈竹坞,盖诗中语也。溪山深邃,林峦重叠,笔墨以雅澹见长。 内容简介(英文): Wen Po-jen was the nephew of Wen Cheng-ming. His style name was Te-ch’eng, his sobriquets Wu-feng, Pao-sheng and She-shan lao-nung. He followed Wang Meng (1308-1385) in his figures and landscapes, but still retained the family style of Wen Cheng-ming. Streams flow deep in the mountains, while forests rise in close layers. The use of brush and ink is particularly elegant and bland. The work was completed in 1564 when the artist was sixty-two years of age. The title “Pines and Hills Near a Bamboo Fence” is taken from the poem which the artist inscribed on the painting in 1570, when he was sixty-eight. 网页展示说明 画中前景有戴笠僧人拄杖前行,将进入林间寺院;中景有一渡桥文士,或许即为「放浪谿山已有年」的文伯仁;远景宛若随着云雾浮现,凛立天际的秀峻山头,应是令作者追求神往的盛景。此画原作于嘉靖甲子年(1564),六年后文伯仁又在画面右上方题诗。画题「松冈竹坞」,就是出自诗中的文句。这件作品用笔虽较粗放,但仍维持文伯仁喜爱布置画中细节的特色,与本次展出的《李愿归盘谷图》扇面类似,均属于文伯仁的晚期采王蒙风格的佳作。(20100713) 网页展示说明 In the foreground of this painting is a monk wearing a straw cap as he walks with a staff about to enter a monastery in the mountains. A scholar in the middleground crosses a bridge, perhaps being a self-portrait of Wen Boren himself “dissipating among the mountains and streams for years already.” In the distant scenery, as if floating above the clouds and mists, stands a tall, beautiful peak awe-inspiring against the skyline, suggesting some wondrous scene in the artist’s pursuit of a spiritual realm. This work was done in 1564, and six years later Wen Boren inscribed poetry in its upper right part. The title comes from a line that he wrote in his verse. Although the brushwork here is relatively coarse, it still retains Wen Boren’s love of filling the composition with details. Similar in style to the fan “Li Yuan Off to Pangu” in this exhibit, both are late masterpieces by Wen Boren after the style of Wang Meng.(20100713) 网页展示说明 前景には、笠をかぶった僧侣が杖を手に道行く姿が描かれており、今ちょうど林中の寺院に入ろうとしている。中景の桥を渡る文士は、「放浪谿山已有年(几年も山河を放浪した)」文伯仁本人かもしれない。远景には、云雾の中に浮かぶかのような山の顶が天高く耸え立っている。ここに描かれているのは、作者が求めてやまなかった绝景に违いない。本作は嘉靖甲子年(1564)に描かれ、6年后に文伯仁が画面右上に题诗を入れた。画题の「松冈竹坞」は诗文の一节である。用笔はやや粗いが、文伯仁が好んだ细部にまでこだわった构成などの特色はそのままである。本展覧と同时に展示する「李愿帰盘谷図」(扇面)に近く、いずれの作品も、晩年に王蒙の画风を取り入れた文伯仁の佳作である。(20100713)