题跋类别:作者款识;作者:文伯仁;题跋位置:本幅;款识:雁门文伯仁写谿山秋霁。丁未(西元一五四七年)春三月望。;书体:行楷书;全文: 印记:德承、文伯仁德承父主题:
主要主题:山水秋景 ;次要主题:建筑茅草屋 ;次要主题:建筑桥 ;其他主题:树木 ;次要主题:树木松 ;其他主题:树木寒林.枯树枯树;其他主题:器用文房用具 ;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)榻.桌.几;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士)高士2人技法:
工笔 写意 皴法披麻皴皴法折带皴人物衣纹描法(匀称线条) 人物衣纹描法(减笔)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编﹝养心殿﹞,上册,页655 收藏着录: 故宫书画录﹝卷五﹞,第三册,页398 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第八册,页71-72 参考书目: 1.林莉娜,〈明文伯仁溪山秋霁〉,收入林莉娜编,《秋景山水画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1989年十月初版),页76-77。 内容简介(中文): 文伯仁(西元一五○二-一五七五年),文征明侄子,字德承,号五峯,又号葆生、摄山老农。长洲(江苏苏州)人。善山水、人物,巖峦郁茂,学王蒙而不失家法。 谿山林木,层层叠叠,中有隐者栖居其中。本幅虽无设色,从满山林木树叶稀疏的气氛看来,亦饶富秋意。全图构景繁复绵密,即受王蒙之影响,而笔墨韵味则有文征明之遗影。 内容简介(英文): Wen Po-jen, a native of Soochow, Kiangsu, was the nephew of Wen Cheng-ming. His style name was Te-ch’eng and his sobriquets Wu-feng, Pao-sheng, and Shen-shan Lao-nung. He specialized in landscape and figure paintings. The craggy mountains and dense forests of his landscapes follow the manner of Wang Meng (1308-1385). However, Wen also retained the style of his uncle, Wen Cheng-ming. Layers of mountains, ravines and forests surround a secluded hermitage. Although this hanging scroll was painted without color, the sparse leaves exude an atmosphere laden with the feeling of autumn. The composition is intricately detailed, indicating the influence of Wang Meng. However, the brushwork still shows traces of Wen Cheng-ming’s style. 网页展示说明 文征明长轴画作喜好层叠山石,结构出精严耸峙的山体。文伯仁的〈谿山秋霁〉虽然狭长,但画中的谿山林木却不重在显示高耸,而利用俯视的角度表现深度。策杖高士跨过具有长方形桥柱基座的弧状石桥,再沿着锯齿状的沿溪小径,行至正憩于床榻上隐士的草庐边。继续深入则可站在两株高耸的松树旁,眺望平静池面、对岸柱状山石,以及耸立于厚实云气上的远山。此图作于嘉靖丁未年(1547),虽属文伯仁早期作品,但已是发展出自己面目的杰作。(20100713) 网页展示说明 Wen Zhengming enjoyed using layers of peaks and rocks in his long hanging scrolls to construct intricate and majestic mountain forms. Although this work by Wen Boren is narrow, the mountains and forests do not overlap to form a sense of majesty. Instead, a bird’s-eye view is used to express a sense of depth. A lofty scholar with a staff crosses an arched bridge with rectangular plinth foundations, the small path following the zigzagging stream to take the viewer to the recluse at rest on a daybed next to the thatched hut. Continuing even deeper, we stand next to two towering pine trees and look out across a placid pond and column-like peaks on the other bank as well as distant mountains standing above a thick bank of clouds and mists. This painting from 1547, although an early work, is a masterpiece already foretelling the development of Wen Boren’s own style.(20100713) 网页展示说明 文徴明は长い轴物に重なる岩石を好んで描き、几重にもかさなる切り立つ山々を构成した。「溪山秋霁」は细长い作品だが、山々や树木の高さはさほど强调されておらず、上方からの视点を生かしてその奥行きを表现している。杖をついた高士が、长方形の土台のある太鼓桥を渡り、ギザギザと曲がった小川沿いの小道を进み、长椅子で休んでいる隠者のいる草庵へと向かっている。それに続いて高く耸える二株の松の木の傍らへと视点が移り、静かな池の水面と対岸の柱状の岩石を眺め、厚い云の上に耸える远山へと観る者を诱う。本作は嘉靖丁未年(1547)、早年の作品だが、すでに独自の个性が表れている杰作である。(20100713)