题跋类别:作者款识;作者:清世祖;题跋位置:本幅;款识:御笔;书体:楷书;全文: 印记:广运之宝主题:
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收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页504 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十册,页7-8 参考书目: 1.刘芳如,〈清世祖画锺馗〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《迎岁集福 — 院藏锺馗名画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1997年二月初版一刷),页152-153。 内容简介(中文): 清世祖福临(西元一六三八—一六六一年),为清廷入关的第一位皇帝,年号顺治。 本幅作于顺治乙未年(一六五五),时仅十八岁。幅上题记云︰「御笔,赐户部尚书戴明说。」案,图写锺馗图像,并于岁除赏赐群臣的习俗,可远溯至唐朝,如刘禹锡、张说均有〈谢赐锺馗表〉存世。宋沈括《补笔谈》亦云︰「除夜,遣内供奉官梁楷就东西府给赐锺馗之像。」清世祖画蹟,除「画锺馗」外,迄未发现他本,此作或系宫中画师代笔,援以犒赏臣功。 内容简介(英文): Chung K’uei Emperor Shih-tzu(1638-1661) Ch’ing Dynasty Shih-tzu was the Ch’ing emperor and his reign title was Hsun-chih. This painting was done in 1655 when Shih-tzu was only 17. His inscription at the top reads, “[Done by the] Imperial brush, this is presented to Tai Ming-yüeh, Minister of Revenue.” This portrait of Chung K’uei is related to the imperial tradition of presenting gifts of Chung K’uei paintings to meritorious officials at the New Year, a custom going back to the T’ang dynasty (618-907). Surviving examples include two of the same title by Liu Yü-hsi and Chang Yüeh, “Potrait of Chung K’uei Presented in his Gratitude.” In the Northern Sung (960-1126), Shen Kua commented in his Additional Remarks to Jottings from Meng-hsi (Meng-hsi pi-t’an; pu pi-t’an) that “On New Year’s Eve, portraits of Chung K’uei[by the emperor] were presented by the Auxiliary-official Liang K’ai to the Eastern and Western wards.” With regards to Shih-tzu, no other works by him survive for comparison, suggesting that perhaps this work was done by a ghost painter at court as a gift for a meritorious official.