主要主题:花草牡丹 主要主题:走兽猫(貍奴)技法:
工笔 双钩参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1151 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页148-149 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页117-118 收藏着录: 国宝再现-书画菁华特展,页102-109、254 参考书目: 1.〈宋人富贵花貍〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《牡丹名画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年四月初版),页39。2.林莉娜,〈无款富贵花狸〉,收入林柏亭主编,《大观- 北宋书画特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年初版一刷),页207- 209。3.林莉娜,〈宋人富贵花貍〉,收入蔡玫芬主编,《精彩一百 国宝总动员》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),页284。 内容简介(中文): 牡丹花下,搏一貍奴。两眼灼灼如有所窥。花叶皆用双钩,笔意沈着。用粉用绿,静穆厚实。猫用焦墨浅粉,墨色极重,故甚突出。而毛衣着笔,亦遒劲有力 内容简介(中文): 牡丹盛开庭园一角,蹲于花荫底下的猫儿圆黑瞳孔直瞪前方,凝视着盛开的牡丹。猫谐音「耄」,指七十岁以上的老年人;牡丹为富贵吉祥的象征,故此画有「长寿富贵」寓意。 画家具备敏锐观察和精湛写生功力,貍猫外型特征刻划入微,猫毛纤毫毕至,绘出毛发柔软质感。枝叶、花瓣采「勾勒填彩」法,主辅穿插具有节奏感。北宋院画重视师承法度,画风工致富丽,此图应出自于北宋后期画院名家之手。(20061206) 内容简介(英文): A peony bush is shown in full bloom in the corner of a garden as a cat stares ahead and is crouched in the shadows of the blossoms, focusing on the peonies. The character for “cat” in Chinese is also a homonym for “septuagenarian”, meaning someone who is over the old age of seventy. The peony is also an ancient symbol of nobility and good luck, so the combination of the two in this painting most likely serves as a wish for “longevity and nobility”. The unknown artist behind this painting obviously had an acute sense of observation and exceptional talent in rendering objects with precision from nature. Every detail of the cat has been included here, not just its incredibly fine fur, but also its sense of softness as well. The leaves and petals of the peony were done in the method of “outlines filled with color”, the relationship between the two creating a sense of rhythm. In the Northern Sung, considerable attention was paid to following the ways of ancient masters, and painting styles were also precise and opulent, this work probably coming from the hand of a master in the Imperial Painting Academy of the late Northern Sung.(20061206) 网页展示说明 花荫底下猫儿身体微拱,明亮眼睛直瞪着宫苑?盛开的牡丹。牡丹花形巨大,枝叶鲜丽,叶片花瓣组合妥切,兼顾前后、正反转折。「花貍」指有花色斑纹的猫,猫谐音「耄」,指七十以上的老人;牡丹为富贵花王,具有「长寿富贵」之寓意。画家以工笔写生技法描写貍猫神态与毛发质感,结合富丽堂皇的花卉,此类题材颇符合宫廷贵族的精致品味。此轴画风工整华贵,乃出自于北宋后期画院名家之手。(20110913) 网页展示说明 A cat crouches in the shade of flowers in a palatial garden, its bright eyes staring directly at the peonies in full bloom. The peony blossoms are huge, the leafy branches also beautiful. Both leaves and blossoms are gorgeously arranged, also suggesting front and back as well as up and down. The calico cat, with its variegated fur, features the word for “flower” in Chinese, while “cat” is also a homonym for a respected elder seventy or older. The peony is also known as the “noble king of flowers,” so the combination with a cat here thus symbolizes both longevity and prosperity. The artist used fine brushwork to sketch from life the plant and depict the spirit and texture of the cat’s fur. Combined with opulent and majestic flowers, this type of subject suited the refined taste of the court and nobility. The painting style of this hanging scroll is meticulous and magnificent, coming from the hand of a great artist of the Painting Academy in the Northern Song period.(20110913) 研究性论着: 本幅画牡丹花丛下,以石铃系缚一花貍,猫目圆瞪,灼灼有神,似有所窥。牡丹描绘精实,花叶之偃仰转侧,俱用细线双钩,落笔沉着,敷粉赋彩,则静穆厚实。染绘猫狸,兼用焦墨、浅粉,墨色黝黑,立体感十足。茸毛虽极纤细,亦甚遒劲有力。作者观物写生之缜密功夫,由此可窥见一斑。画幅未系作者款印,旧籤题标为宋人,而综观《宣和画谱》(1120成书)中,所登录的相同类型绘画,如「牡丹戏猫图」、「牡丹猫图」等,数量颇多。若单由品目上看,绝难确认,何者与「富贵花狸」的内容最为谋合。但就画面风格论断,本幅出于北宋后期,宫廷画院名家之手,应无可议。(刘芳如)