题跋类别:作者款识;作者:朱瞻基;题跋位置:本幅;款识:宣德四年(西元一四二九年)御笔戏写三阳开泰图;书体:行书;全文: 印记:广运之宝主题:
主要主题:走兽羊三羊;次要主题:树木竹 ;次要主题:山水奇石 ;次要主题:花草茶花 ;其他主题:山水春景 ;其他主题:祥瑞 三羊开泰;其他主题:节令与二十四节气年节初春开泰技法:
写意 皴法披麻皴参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1119 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页306-307 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第六册,页145-146 参考书目: 1.胡赛兰,〈巨幅名画特展〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第118期(1993年1月),页46。2.吴诵芬,〈宣德宸翰-允文允武的艺术天子明宣宗书画作品〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第349期(2012年4月),页50-59。3.吴诵芬;〈明宣宗戏猿图轴介绍〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第351期(2012年6月份),页106-113。 内容简介(中文): 宣宗(西元一三九九─一四三五年)姓朱,名瞻基。明成祖长孙,明代第五位皇帝,年号宣德。宣宗雅尚词翰绘事,于书画之作,随意自然,往往与宣和争胜。「三阳开泰」浅设色画三羊,配以竹与茶花为衬景。竹谐音「祝」,「三阳开泰」词意源于﹝易经﹞。正月为泰卦,三阳生于下,取其冬去春来,阴消阳长,有吉亨之象,多用作岁首称颂之辞。 内容简介(英文): Prosperity for the New Year Emperor Hsüan-tsung (1399-1435) Ming Dynasty Emperor Hsüan-tsung, whose personal name was Chu Chan-chi, was the grandson of Emperor Ch’eng-tzu (r.1403-1424). The fifth emperor of the Ming dynasty, he ruled from 1425 to 1435 under the reign name Hsüan-te. He enjoyed writing poems and painting, and he was able to produce free and natural works. He can thus be compared to Emperor Hui-tsung (r.1101- 1125), the famous Northern Sung emperor who was a renowned artist and calligrapher. Three goats, an auspicious symbol, are depicted in light colors among a background of bamboo and camellias. The title of this painting derives from the Book of Changes. The trigram for the first month of the lunar year is composed of yin and yang elements. The arrangement of these elements, however, is such that yang eclipses yin and signifies the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Because the character for goat is yang, this is an auspicious symbol of ten used at the beginning of a new year. Bamboo implies “wishing,” since it is a homophone for chu which means to express good wishes. 网页展示说明 明宣宗(西元一三九九-一四三五年)朱瞻基,书画之作随意自然,往往与宋徽宗(西元一0八二-一一三五年)争胜。本幅作于宣德四年(西元一四二九年),浅设色画子母山羊一大二小,衬以竹、石、茶花,以谐音取「三阳开泰」之意。「三阳开泰」典出﹝易经﹞六十四卦的第十一卦「地天泰」,卦象干下坤上,以寓天地上下交通同泰。十二个月中以泰卦居于正月,取其冬去春来,阴消阳长的吉亨之象。(20120407) 网页展示说明 Emperor Xuanzong (personal name Zhu Zhanji) was able to produce free and natural works of painting and calligraphy, resulting in him often being compared to Huizong (1082-1135), the Northern Song emperor most renowned in Chinese history as an artist. In this ink painting with light colors from the fourth year of Xuanzong's reign (1429) are a ewe and two lambs with a background of bamboo, rocks, and camellias. The subject of three goats is a homophone for "Three Yang, an Auspicious Start to the New Year." This title comes from the Book of Changes, which consists of 64 hexagram (six-line) combinations of trigrams (three-line symbols). The eleventh hexagram translates literally as "Earth (and) Heavens (at) Peace" and is represented by the symbol . With the three lines of qian (yang) below and three of kun (yin) above unified and harmoniously connected, it symbolizes peace throughout the heavens and earth. Of the twelve lunar months, the first is when peace takes up residence, marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring when yin is eclipsed by yang, indicating an auspicious sign.(20120407) 网页展示说明 明宣徳帝(1399-1435)、朱瞻基。その书画はごく自然な作风で、宋徽宗帝(1082-1135)と比较されることが多い。本作は宣徳4年(1429)のもので、淡い色彩で母ヤギと小ヤギ2头が描かれており、竹や岩石、椿が添えられている。この作品には、语吕合わせで「三阳开泰」という吉祥の意が込められている。「三阳开泰」は易経六十四卦の第十一卦「地天泰」から取られている。この卦象干下坤上は天地上下が深く交わる世の安泰を意味している。十二ヶ月の中で泰卦は正月にあたり、冬の终わりと春の访れを表しており、阴が消え阳が生じ诸事顺调に运ぶ吉象を示している。(20120407)