主要主题:山水 ;次要主题:山水江河、湖海水纹;次要主题:人物渔夫、船夫 ;次要主题:船渔船 ;次要主题:船帆船 ;次要主题:船篷舟 ;其他主题:船 ;其他主题:人物纤夫 ;其他主题:人物行旅 ;其他主题:人物百姓 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:树木杨柳 ;其他主题:树木寒林.枯树枯树;其他主题:树木竹 ;其他主题:走兽骡.驴驴;其他主题:走兽牛 ;其他主题:走兽狗 ;其他主题:山水石磴、栈道石磴;其他主题:人物牧童 ;其他主题:花草芦苇 ;其他主题:建筑宫殿 ;其他主题:建筑茅草屋 ;其他主题:建筑亭 ;其他主题:建筑城墙 ;其他主题:建筑台阁 ;其他主题:建筑店舖酒店 ;其他主题:建筑篱笆、围墙篱笆;其他主题:器用耕织渔猎渔(网罟)猎技法:
写意 皴法斧劈皴人物衣纹描法(减笔) 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(宁寿宫),第五册,页2720 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷四),第二册,页56 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十六册,页285-296 参考书目: 1.〈传宋夏珪长江万里图〉,收入陈阶晋、赖毓芝主编,《追索浙派》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2008年初版一刷),页166。2.谭怡令,〈大江东去浪淘尽千古风流人物 — 长江万里图特展概述〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第106期(1992年1月),页108-123。 内容简介(中文): 画卷由右向左开展,从波涛汹湧到风平浪静。有时两岸狭隘,山石险峻,江水奔流急窜,有时遥岑水阔,烟笼雾约。人们浮舟江上,有急流勇进者;有系缆倚岸,载卸货物者。岸边则有村墟旅店、亭阁寺宇,行人匆忙赶路,通幅充满机趣。 树石人物用笔遒劲,技法纯熟,岩石用斧劈皴法皴擦,浓淡层次分明,这些都是典型的明代浙派风格,旧传南宋夏珪(活动于十三世纪前半)作,并不正确。 内容简介(中文): 画江水舟行,笔意奇险,布局亦佳。时而远岸浮天,空蒙浩阔;时而盘涡走险,宽仅容舟,颇能状长江三峡之险峻。山石全用斧劈皴法,笔势顺成一向,多取侧锋,以力取胜,然含蓄内敛则稍嫌不足,可能出于明人仿夏圭画风者所作。 夏圭(约活动于1195-1224年)字禹玉。钱塘人。与马远齐名,时称马夏。 内容简介(中文): 此画卷由右向左开展,从波涛汹湧到风平浪静。或两岸狭隘,山石险峻,江水奔流急窜;或遥岑水阔,烟笼雾约。人们浮舟江上,有急流勇进者;有系缆倚岸、载卸货物者。岸边则有村墟旅店、亭阁寺宇,行人匆忙赶路,通幅充满机趣。 本幅旧传为南宋夏珪(活动于13世纪前半)之作,但树石人物用笔奔放纯熟,岩石用斧劈皴法皴擦,浓淡层次分明,皆为典型的明代浙派风格特征。(20110913) 内容简介(英文): This handscroll, unfolding from right to left, proceeds from turbulent waves upstream to a calm area at the mouth of a river. The claustrophobic river gorge features steep cliffs as waters rage forward. At the same time are open spaces of water enveloped in mists and fog. People make their way on boats on the river, some forging ahead against the swift current, while others have tied their boats to the shore and unload their goods. Village scenery by the bank is also punctuated by an inn, pavilion, and temple, the busy movement of figures on land lending a sense of liveliness throughout scroll.The old attribution for this painting gives the artist as Xia Gui of the Southern Song. However, the brushwork for the trees, rocks, and figures is untrammeled and mature. Though the rocks and cliffs are rendered with “axe-cut” texture strokes, the layers of light and dark wash are clearly differentiated. These are all typical features of the Zhe School painting style in the Ming dynasty.(20110913) 内容简介(英文): Hsia Kuei (style name Yü-yü) was a native of Ch’ien-t’ang who served as a painter at the courts of Ning-tsung (r. 1195-1224) and Li-tsung (r. 1224-1264). He excelled at painting figures and landscapes. His brushwork was mature and he often employed moist layers of ink wash.In this narrow hand scroll traditionally attributed to Hsia Kuei, distant banks seem to float in the sky as the water of the river dash about. In the ever changing scenery, here and there stand rocky promontories and scattered about are secluded villages and misty temples. The brushwork is energetic throughout as the landscape has been rendered with axe-cut texture strokes. The artist, holding the brush at an angle, used mostly slanted strokes in a grand and powerful manner. This scroll is comparable to another Hsia Kuei hand scroll in the Museum entitled “Pure and Remote Views of Streams and Mountains.” The brushwork here, however, is slightly stiff, indicating it is probably a later copy.This painting was entrusted to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Wang Hsüeh-t’ing. 内容简介(英文): This handscroll unfolds from right to left-from the turbulent waves upstream to the calm at the mouth of the river. The claustrophobic river gorge at the right is treaded by merchant boats that make their way to a village by the bank, which is also punctuated by an inn, pavilion, and temple. The movement of figures on land lends a sense of liveliness to the scroll. The brushwork in the trees, rocks, and figures is taut and the technique mature. The rocks and cliffs are described with axe-cut texture strokes, and layers of wash are clearly differentiated. These are all features of the Che School of painting in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Thus, the traditional attribution to Hsia Kuei is not accurate.