主要主题:树木桃树 主要主题:果蔬桃子 主要主题:走兽松鼠技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编 (养心殿),第二册,页966 收藏着录: 故宫书画录 (卷四),第二册,页76-77 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十六册,页391-394 收藏着录: 国宝再现-书画菁华特展,页212-219,258-259 参考书目: 1.张华芝,〈宋钱选桃枝松鼠〉,收入王耀庭、许郭璜、陈阶晋编,《故宫书画菁华特辑》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年初版,2001年再版),页134-135。2.邱士华,〈宋钱选桃枝松鼠〉,收入蔡玫芬主编,《精彩一百 国宝总动员》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),页276-277。 内容简介(中文): 钱选(约西元一二三五-一三○七年),浙江吴兴人。字舜举,号玉潭。工诗,善书画,与赵孟頫同为「吴兴八俊」之一。 此图绘桃枝上结二桃,一松鼠栖伏枝上,欲窃食之。用笔圆劲,细若游丝,设色典雅,松鼠生动天真的情态跃然纸上。 内容简介(英文): Ch'ien Hsüan (style names Shun-chü and Yüt'an) came from Wu-hsing, Chekiang. He excelled not only in poetry, but also in calligraphy and painting. Together with Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), Ch'ien was among the "Eight Talents of Wu-hsing." This painting shows a squirrel stealthily making its way along the branch of a peach tree towards the two fruit it has eyed. The brushwork is exceptionally smooth and precise. In particular, the outlines and rendering of the peaches and the leaves were done with strokes as thin as gossamer strands. Colors were also tastefully applied. The peach branch appears quite naturalistic. The squirrel was also vividly rendered in delicate details to suggest fur and in washes to indicate form. 网页展示说明 钱选(约西元一二三五-一三0三年尚在),又据学者之论,其卒年不晚于一三0七年。浙江吴兴人,字舜举,别号玉潭、巽峰。因家有习懒斋,又号习懒翁,后为仿他人作伪,又改号霅谿翁。一二六一年宋景定时乡贡进士,元初,与赵孟頫等人并称「吴兴八俊」。入元,赵孟頫等士皆入朝为官,唯钱选隐而不仕,游居于山水间,流连诗画,以终其身。工诗,善书画,喜作折枝花木。创作力求摆脱南宋画院习尚,其人品和画品皆称誉当时。 本幅设色描画长着肥美果实的桃枝上,一只松鼠栖伏其间,正欲窃食桃果之景。全图的重心─松鼠,画家将其置于枝叶稍疏的枝条上,与叶果摇曳充实的左半画面,取得视觉上的平衡。松鼠造型朴拙,通身以细劲的笔墨,笔笔丝出,并加以晕染,皮毛的丰茸质感,表露无遗。而浓墨点画出的脚爪和眼珠,更强调了松鼠专注的神态及动势。通幅布局简约,清丽雅致,其工笔细劲的笔致,实与宋人花鸟画是一脉相承的。而画家以净匀圆劲的笔墨钩画叶片轮廓,再以色彩平涂其上;以及雅淡清简的用色,再再彰显了钱选带有写意笔调的个人风格,使其成为元代文人画的先驱者之一。 网页展示说明 Ch'ien Hsuan, a native of Wu-hsing in Chekiang, may have died as late as 1307. A civil service graduate of 1261 under the Sung dynasty, in the early Yuan dynasty he was known along with Chao Meng-fu as one of the Eight Talents of Wu-hsing. Although scholars such as Chao Meng-fu served the Mongols in the Yuan, Ch'ien Hsuan chose reclusion in the countryside, excelling at poetry, calligraphy, and painting. His art looked beyond the lyrical realism of Sung court painting for an elegant evocation of older styles. He thus achieved praise for his character as well as his painting. The focus of this work is on the squirrel stealthily making its way along the branch of a peach tree towards the two fruit it has eyed. The elements are balanced in the horizontal composition here. The simplified yet elegant form of the squirrel has been rendered in delicate brushstrokes combined with washes for a soft and light feeling. The dark ink of the feet and eyes emphasize the position and determination of the squirrel. The simple composition, pure coloring, and fine brushwork all follow in the tradition of Sung dynasty bird-and-flower painting but combined with the lyrical touch of a scholar painter. For the leaves, the artist used outlines in mature brushwork with washes of color added. The light and elegant coloring reflects the personal touch of Ch'ien Hsuan, one of the forerunners of scholar art in the Yuan dynasty. 网页展示说明 钱选(约1235-1307),浙江吴兴人,字舜举,诗文书画俱工,为「吴兴八俊」之一。入元,隐而不仕,卖画维生。本幅画松鼠攀附枝上,欲食粉桃的情状,神态生动。全作设色典雅,构图平和舒缓,用笔圆劲畅健,以细若游丝的线条钩勒桃实、枝叶轮廓,以笔丝出皮毛蓬松的质感,散发钱选画作独特的雅淡气息。此卷又别致地将具多子多孙寓意的松鼠,与具祝寿之意的桃子结合在一起,应有吉祥含意。(20110913) 网页展示说明 Qian Xuan (style name Shunju), a native of Wuxing in Zhejiang, excelled at all the arts of poetry and prose, calligraphy, and painting, being known as one of the “Eight Talents of Wuxing.” After the fall of the Song, he did not seek service under the subsequent Yuan dynasty, selling his paintings instead to make a living.This painting depicts a squirrel climbing along a branch as if it wants to go and eat the pink peaches there, creating a spirited and lifelike appearance. The coloring throughout the work is classically elegant, the composition light and airy. The brushwork is full and strong yet fluid, revealing strokes as fine as silk strands to outline the peaches, branches, and leaves, with delicate brushwork also built up to create the fluffy texture of the squirrel’s fur, thereby expressing Qian Xuan’s unique atmosphere of elegant plainness in painting. This handscroll delicately portraying a squirrel, a metaphor for many children and generations, with the peach, a traditional symbol blessing longevity, make a combination that also probably had strong auspicious overtones. (20110913)