主要主题:人物帝王唐明皇主要主题:佛道人物僧(和尚、尼姑)和尚主要主题:经史‧故事 明皇会棋图主要主题:人物官员(臣)官员主要主题:佛道人物道(道士、道姑)道士;次要主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆)侍从;次要主题:器用文玩(琴棋书画)棋;次要主题:器用家俱(屏风)桌、椅;其他主题:器用枴杖技法:
工笔 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条) 人物衣纹描法(粗细线条)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(重华宫),第三册,页1503 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷四),第二册,页15 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十五册,页127-130 内容简介(中文): 唐明皇(玄宗)对方伎嬉戏之事很有兴趣,如击掬、斗鸡、?奕、按乐,莫不精甚。本幅绘明皇座前置?局,其上空无一子,而优伶拱手而立,好像有话要说,大概是描写优人向皇帝进谏的故事。画无名款,旧传周文矩画,并有南宋高宗藏印。按周文矩(活动于西元十世纪),建康句容(今南京)人。是南唐李后主朝的宫廷画家,擅长人物画与仕女画,风格近似唐代的周昉,能得闺阁之态。 内容简介(中文): 此画旧传为描绘唐玄宗喜好棋艺事蹟。画中玄宗坐龙椅,前置棋盘,一红衣人趋前论事,其袍服背后为一丑角图像,象征其宫中伶人身分。全画设色淡雅,衣纹线条细腻,人物表情细腻。乾隆题诗批评明皇纵容杨贵妃,放任其在观棋时由宠犬搅乱棋局,是日后政局紊乱祸因。有学者推测此卷或在描写唐玄宗与日本僧对弈的事蹟。旧传为五代人物画家周文矩作,不过从画风看,与元代任仁发相关近。(20120408) 内容简介(英文): The subject here is attributed to the Tang emperor Minghuang’s fondness of playing “weiqi” (go). He sits on a dragon chair by a go board. A man in red goes to discuss a matter, his back adorned with a jester, suggesting a court actor. The coloring is elegant, the drapery lines delicate, and the figures’ expressions all fine. The Qing emperor Qianlong’s poetry inscription criticizes Minghuang for his infatuation with the concubine Yang Guifei, attributing his neglect of state affairs for the calamities befalling the Tang. Scholarly research also suggests this work may depict Minghuang playing go with a Japanese monk. The old attribution is to the Five Dynasties figure painter Zhou Wenju, but the style is closer to the Yuan dynasty artist Ren Renfa.(20120408) 内容简介(英文): The Ming-huang emperor (Hsüan-tsung) of the T'ang was fond of popular forms of entertainment, such as kickball, cock fighting, chess, and music. Here, he is shown at a game of chess but without a single piece on the board. Judging from the figure with hands clasped who appears as if with something to say, the emperor is probably being advised on some matter of importance. With neither signature nor seal of the artist, this work has been attributed to Chou Wen-chü. It bears a seal of the Sung emperor Kao-tsung. Chou was a court artist under Li Hou-chu of the Southern T'ang known for his paintings of figures, especially ladies. His style was similar to that of the T'ang artist Chou Fang, depicting ladies of the inner court.