题跋类别:作者款识;作者:王翬;题跋位置:本幅;款识:巨然夏山烟雨图。岁次癸亥(西元一六八三年)。小春既望。石谷王翬。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:王翬之印主题:
其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:建筑水榭 ;其他主题:山水瀑布 ;其他主题:山水山径 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:建筑桥 主要主题:山水夏景 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海江河;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉溪涧;其他主题:山水石磴、栈道石磴;其他主题:翎毛 ;其他主题:船技法:
写意 皴法 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(御书房),第四册,页2094 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷四),第二册,页262-263 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十册,页161-164 收藏着录: 国宝的形成-书画菁华特展,页282-287、326 参考书目: 1.何传馨,〈清王翬夏山烟雨图〉,收入何传馨、许郭璜编,《夏景山水画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1991年七月初版),页106-107。2.〈清王翬夏山烟雨图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《山水画墨法特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年七月初版),页68-69。3.林莉娜,〈帝国的回忆 国立故宫博物院瑰宝赴法展专辑二 — 王翬夏山烟雨图〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第186期(1998年9月),页54-55。 内容简介(中文): 王翬(西元一六三二-一七一七年),江苏常熟人。字石谷,别号耕烟散人、乌目山人、清晖主人、剑门樵客等。从小即善画,后得拜王鑑、王时敏为师,二人于尽传所学外,又常偕他参观各地收藏,借机临摹古蹟、揣摩前人画法,因此,他能够笔参古今,貌合南北,画技精熟,为清代第一。其作品最大特色,是用笔繁密精爽,配以清淡明丽的渲染和着色,画面给人一种明净雅逸的美感,加上构景繁复,循迳而游,峰回路转,云飞瀑溅,真是美不胜收。 内容简介(英文): Wang Hui was a native of Ch’ang-shou, Kiangsu. He became the foremost painter of the Ch’ing Dynasty. He was already a capable painter when he met the famous artists Wang Chien and Wang Shih-min who became his teachers. In addition to providing him with thorough instruction in painting, they also took him to see many famous collections, where he was able to copy the works of many ancient masters. In this way he learned the brush techniques of both past and contemporary masters, and of the Northern and Southern schools of painting. The most significant aspect of Wang’s style is his masterful application of ink, which coordinated with radiant washes and colors, imparts a sense of elegant beauty. The excellence of his complex landscape compositions remains unsurpassed. 内容简介(英文): Wang Hui (style name Shih-ku; sobriquets Keng-yen san-jen, Wu-mu shan jen, Ching-hui chu-jen, Chien-men ch’iao-k’o, etc.) was a native of Ch’ang-shou, Kiangsu. He became the foremost painter of the Ch’ing dynasty. He was already a capable painter when he met the famous artists Wang Chien and Wang Shih-min who became his teachers. In addition to providing him with through instruction in painting, they also took him to see many famous collections, where he was able to copy the works of ancient masters. In this way he learned the brush techniques of both past and contemporary masters, and of the Northern and Southern schools of painting. The most significant aspect of Wang’s style is his masterful application of ink, which, coordinated with radiant washes and colors, imparts a sense of elegant beauty. The excellence of his complex landscape compositions remains unsurpassed. 研究性论着: 王翬 ( 一六三二- 一七一七 ), 江苏常熟人. 字石谷, 号耕烟散人、耕烟外史、乌目山中人、剑门樵客. 少即善画,十六岁拜同乡画家张珂学画, 「得古蹟真本辄摹仿数纸, 必得其神乃已.」继得王鑑 ( 一五九八 -一六七七 )、王时敏 (一五九二 -一六八 0 ) 指授, 并随之阅览各地珍藏, 因能笔参古今, 貌含南北.清张庚 > 便称讚他说:「画有南北宗, 至石谷而合焉. 」四十岁前后王翬勤奋学习古画「摹古而不泥古」、「师古而融古」; 五十岁之后更达到「以元人之笔墨移宋人之峰谷,融以唐人之气韵,然后有大成. 」「夏山烟雨图」是石谷五十二岁成熟期所作之长卷, 跋中虽言仿五代巨然风格, 而笔墨上却呈现透过吴镇 ( 一二八 o -一三五四 ) 学习董巨的传统.此图丘壑位置变化繁复, 淡墨远山,磴道相通, 连绵的山林由远而近, 其间点缀着水榭、屋舍、楼宇、桥、瀑布. 树木枝干有屈有伸, 点叶、夹叶丰富生动; 绘山石以中锋披麻皴融合侧笔斧劈皴刻画,皴笔浓淡、干溼变化多, 设色以浅绛、石绿为主. 画面一连串抽象的点与线借由彼此间有秩序的结组, 而形成一种规律的变化,有力的披麻皴笔触使得山谷之间有波动的感觉. 画中山峦连迭起伏开合,流动着一股生动的气韵, 正符合恽寿平 ( 一六三三 -一六九 o) 题跋所称「沉浑苍莽, 灵气森然」. ( 林莉娜 )