收藏着录: 秘殿珠林续编(干清宫),页178-180 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页64-66 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十三册,页34-41 参考书目: 1.李玉珉,〈明刑慈静观世音菩萨三十二应身〉,收入李玉珉主编,《观音特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2000年初版),页195-198。2.葛婉章,〈无缘大悲 观达自在 — 院藏「普门品」观音画探究〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第112期(1992年7月),页40。 内容简介(中文): 邢慈静(西元十六世纪后期),山东临清人,书画家邢侗之妹,善画竹石及白描大士,有发绣大士极精。 关于观音的应化,以〔普门品〕所说三十三身,与〔楞严经〕所说的三十二应现,最为普及。观音应种种不同机缘,变化无限化身,说法度生。本册描金画观音三十二应身像。人物画中纯以线条钩勒形相者,称之为「白描」,此画中以金代墨,是为「描金」。今选其中八幅展出,分别是持经观音、一叶观音、众宝观音、无畏观音、龙头观音、杨柳观音、水月观音及叶衣观音。 内容简介(中文): 邢慈静,生卒年不详,山东临清人。是明代书画名家邢侗(一五五一-一六一二)的妹妹,贵州左布政马拯的妻子。善画竹石和白描大士。这画册是根据《楞严经》的内容,绘制的观世音菩萨三十二应身,原来应有三十二幅,现在仅存二十四幅,本次展览只选几件作为代表。全册人物以女相观音为主,祂们有的坐着,有的站着,有的面向我们,有的背向观众,姿势变化多端。每幅还题写观音讚语一首。 内容简介(英文): Thirty-two Manifestations of Kuan-yinHsing Tz’u-chingMing Dynasty (1368-1644) Hsing Tz’u-ching was the younger sister of the famous painter-calligrapher Hsing T’ung (1551-1612). She excelled at painting the themes of bamboo-and-stones and the White-robed Kuan-yin. This album of the late Ming dynasty is based on the contents of the Śūrangama Sūtra and shows 32 transformations of Kuan-yin that have been done in gold ink. Of the original 32 leaves, only 24 now survive, of which a few have been chosen here for display. All the Kuan-yin figures are shown in female form. The manifestations of the deity are also rendered in a variety of poses, including seated, standing, facing the viewer, with the back to the viewer. Each leaf also includes a calligraphed poem in praise of Kuan-yin. 内容简介(英文): Thirty-two manifestations of kuan-yinHsing Ts’u-ching (fl. Late 16th century)Ming Dynasty Hsing Ts’u-ching, the younger sister of Hsing T’ung, was a native of Lin-ch’ing, Shantung. She excelled at painting bamboo, rocks, and pai-miao (ink out-line) bodhisattvas. She is especially acclaimed for her hair-embroidered pictures of bodhisattvas. The thirty-three manifestations of Kuan-yin mentioned in the Saman-tamukha chapter of the Lotus sūtra and the thirty-two mentioned in the Śūrangama Sūtra are the most widely accepted descriptions of Kuan-yin’s transformations. The bodhisattva Kuan-yin, capable of unlimited transformations, alters her appearance in order to propogate the Buddha truth and rescues all beings in varied circumstances. This album is comprised of thirty-two images of the manifestations of Kuan-yin, all painted in gold, with the forms all drawn in the ink outline technique. Eight leaves have been specially selected for this exhibition. These include images of Kuan-yin holding a sūtra, Kuan-yin on a lotus-flower petal, Bejeweled Kuan-yin, Abhaya (dauntless) Kuan-yin, Dragon-head Kuan-yin, Kuan-yin with a willow branch, water-moon Kuan-yin, and Kuan-yin clad in leaves.