收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页219 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三十册,页40-45 参考书目: 1.〈宋人 芙蓉〉,收入谭怡令、刘芳如、林莉娜主编,《满庭芳 历代花卉名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),页142。 内容简介(中文): 写芙蓉花一枝,双钩填色,用笔自然而有力。花之钩瓣,叶之锯齿筋络,笔笔俱见功力。枝干、花蕊,与叶之背面,皆采石绿罩染,尤为逼真。虽无作者款印,其画风饶有宋院体花卉画之特质。本幅选自「宋人集绘」册第三开。 内容简介(英文): This delicate rendition is a sketch of a hibiscus flower, executed first with outline strokes and then filled with color. The brushwork is naturally graceful yet powerful. The artist's merits are evident in the hooked-outline technique employed for the petals and the veins of the serrated leaves. On the undersides of the stems, pistils, stamens, and leaves, a wash of the malachite was applied as shading in order to further enhance the life-like quality of the representation. Although this work bears no signature or seal of the artist, it exhibits the unique features of flower painting from the Sung dynasty court. This is the 3rd leaf from the album Collected Paintings by Sung Artist. 网页展示说明 本幅选自〈宋人集绘册〉,原本应为兼具实用功能的纨扇便面,后来才改装成册页形式的小品画。通幅以双钩填色法,写蜀葵(旧题为芙蓉)一枝,累累花苞,已次第绽放,布局、姿态自然而生动。举凡花瓣之钩勒、叶片之锯齿筋络,笔笔俱见功力。枝干、蕊萼,与叶之背面,兼采石绿及汁绿罩染,偃仰转侧之际,极见妍丽真实。虽然未系作者款印,但风格饶有宋代院体花卉画细腻典雅的特质,应出自南宋画院能手。(20110102) 网页展示说明 This leaf from the album "Collected Paintings by Song Artists" originally was probably a rounded fan. Once serving a functional purpose, it was later remounted as a small album leaf. The entire work, done in outlines filled with colors, depicts a single stalk of hollyhock (original title: hibiscus) with numerous buds, which are starting to blossom in order from below. Their arrangement and poses are natural and lively. The artist's merits are evident in all the brushwork for the hooked outlines of petals and the veins of serrated leaves. The areas for the stalk, calyx, and reverse of the leaves are washed with mineral and vegetable green hues, turning in a manner that is both beautiful and realistic. Although this work bears no signature or seal of the artist, its style fully exhibits the manner of exquisite and classical flower painting at the Song dynasty Painting Academy. It is thus probably from the hand of a gifted artist at the Southern Song court.(20110102) 网页展示说明 本作は『宋人集絵册』に収录されている。もとは実用も兼ねた纨扇(绢张りのうちわ)に描かれたものだったが、后に册页の小品に改められた。全体に双钩填色(轮郭线の内侧を涂る技法)を用いてタチアオイ(旧题:フヨウ〔芙蓉〕)一枝が描かれており、つぼみが次々に花をほころばせている。その配置、枝叶や花の様子も自然で生き生きとしている。花弁の钩勒(轮郭线)といい、ノコギリ状に広がる叶脉といい、どこを见てもその技量の高さがうかがえる。枝としべ、叶の?は石绿(孔雀石を原料とする鉱物性颜料)と汁绿(植物性颜料)で染め上げられ、上へ下へと颜を向ける花、?返った叶など、実に艶やかで真に迫っている。作者の款印はないが、画风には宋代院体画の特徴である细やかで典雅な趣があり、南宋画院の名手の作と思われる。(20110102)