题跋类别:作者款识;作者:郑重第十二幅 ;书体:篆书;全文:弟子郑重敬写。印记:郑重、千里主题:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页86 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十三册,页210-213 参考书目: 1.李玉珉,〈明郑重降龙尊者〉,收入李玉珉主编,《罗汉画》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1990年初版),页81-82。2.本社,〈明郑重十八应真像〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第57期(1987年12月),页4-16。 内容简介(中文): 「应眞」即阿罗汉,是佛陀弟子中,能断烦恼,解脱轮回,受到天上、人间尊敬供养的僧人。佛陀临涅槃时,嘱付十六大阿罗汉,常住世间,弘扬佛法,利益众生。佛教传到中国后,世人于十六罗汉外另加降龙、伏虎二罗汉,演变成为十八罗汉。 《西游记》中的十八罗汉,曾出现在第五十二回,奉如来命开宝库取出十八粒「金丹砂」帮助孙悟空力战青牛(太上老君的座骑)幻化而成的妖魔。 内容简介(中文): 郑重,安徽歙县人,流寓金陵,生卒年不详,善写佛像,必斋沐而后笔。丁云鹏推为赵伯驹后身。 本幅计十二开,图写十二应真像。「应真」即阿罗汉,乃智慧与理相应之人,常执锡杖飞行于太虚之境。此次展出之两开,首幅为长眉应,持尘腾于云端,线描隐含干笔,衣褶凹处复以淡墨加染。第二幅画骑虎应,画法同样浓淡相间,干湿并济,与十八描中「以淡墨皱衣褶纹,加以浓墨,混成之」的混描名目相符,无妨以此名之。 内容简介(中文): 郑重(活动于十七世纪上半叶),字千里,号无着,安徽歙县人,流寓金陵(今南京)。善画山水小景,尤擅写佛像,必参沐而后举笔。本册画十八应真,又称十八罗汉。画中人物的面目各殊,有的慈眉善目,有的横眉竖眼,刻画极为传神。其或拱手捧经执麈,或乘龙骑虎,姿态生动活泼。全作的衣纹用湿笔中锋画成,线条肯定流畅。云雾以淡墨钩形,浓重而湿润的墨色渍染,将云雾的动势一表无遗。 内容简介(英文): Cheng Chung (style name Ch’ien-li; sobriquet Wu-chu) was a native of She-hsien, Anhwei and later moved to Chin-ling (modern Nanking). He excelled at painting intimate landscape scenes and was quite gifted at Buddhist figures, first undergoing ritual cleansing before taking the brush to depict them.This album depicts “The Eighteen Lohans” in Buddhism. The faces of each are remarkable, some benign and others menacing, with great realism. Some reverently hold a sūtra or a flywhisk and ride a dragon or a tiger to reveal much variety. Drapery lines were done with a centered brush in moist brushwork, the lines fluid yet firm. Clouds and mist are outlined in light ink, with dense and moist ink washes fully expressing force and movement. 内容简介(英文): Cheng chung (dates unknown)was a native of She-hsien, Anhwei, who moved his residence to Chin-ling. A specialist in Buddhist painting, Cheng Chung would first undergo a ritual cleansing before picking up the brush. Ting Yun-p'eng praised him as a reincarnation of Chao brushwork is clear and energetic, and the colors are elegant and Po-Chu. Lohans ard Buddhist figures of superior wisdom and intelligence. Of the two leaves in this exhibition, one lohan is shown roaming through the clouds while the other rides a tiger. The clothing folds are a blending of light and dark tones of ink, and correspond to the "mixed" mode of description--light ink texture strokes reinforced with darker ink to give a full-bodied effect. 内容简介(英文): Lohans, known as arhats in Sanskrit, refer to Buddha's disciples rising above worldly matters and escaping from the cycle of reincarnation. They were monks respected and revered in the heavens and the world. When the Buddha entered nirvana, he urged the 16 great lohans to remain and preach the faith for the benefit of all. After Buddhism spread to China, the two lohans of subduing the dragon and taming the tiger were added for a total of 18. The 18 lohans in Journey to the West appear in chapter 52, following the Tathagata Buddha's order to take out 18 grains of “golden elixir sand” to help the Monkey King fight the demon formed by the illusory powers of Blue Ox (the mount of the “Senior Lord of the Supreme”, Lao-tzu).