题跋类别:题跋;作者:柯九思拖尾丹丘柯九思;书体:楷书;全文:冰薄沙昏短草枯。采香人远鬲(隔)湘湖。谁留夜月群仙佩。绝胜秋风九畹图。 白粲铜盘倾沆瀣。青明宝玦碎珊瑚。却怜不得同兰蕙。一识清醒楚大夫。丹丘柯九思。印记:柯氏敬仲主题:
主要主题:花草水仙 ;其他主题:花草 草技法:
工笔 皴法 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页985-986 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页36 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十六册,页363-370 参考书目: 1.〈传宋 赵孟坚 水仙〉,收入谭怡令、刘芳如、林莉娜主编,《满庭芳 历代花卉名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),页84。 内容简介(中文): 赵孟坚(西元一一九九—一二六四年),字子固,为宋宗室。善画水墨梅、竹、兰、水仙,学扬无咎一派。「水仙图」存世有数本,均纸本水墨横卷。运笔尖细稳健,并随翻转之势,晕染浓淡变化。虽全用水墨,却能将花叶的色泽、质感、厚度真实地表现出来,极有「墨分五彩」之妙。惟现存数本「水仙图」中,究竟何者为赵氏真迹,学术界尚有不同看法,迄未获得定论。 内容简介(中文): 赵孟坚(1199- 约1264),字子固,为宋宗室。理宗宝庆间进士,官至朝散大夫严州守,是南宋末年兼具贵族、士大夫、文人三重身份的知名艺术家。能诗、善书,又擅长以水墨法写梅、兰、竹、石等,尤精白描画水仙,风格秀雅脱俗,深获时人推重。〈水仙图〉传世有数本,均纸本水墨长卷。院藏此卷,虽仅描绘单一种花卉,但构图时而繁密,时而疏朗,极尽变化之能。白描钩线劲利流畅,并随着叶片的翻转,借淡墨微染深浅,将花叶的色泽与质感,如实地呈现出来,极得「墨分五彩」之妙。(20110102) 内容简介(中文): 赵孟坚(西元一一九九—一二六四年),字子固,号彝斋居士,宝庆二年(一二二六)进士,赵氏性情高迈,知识广博,兼具贵族、士大夫、文人画家的身份。善水墨白描水仙、兰梅、竹石,清而不俗,秀而淡雅。着有《梅谱》传世。现今传世水仙有数本,皆是纸本水墨横卷。此卷运笔尖细稳健,花叶随意翻转,晕染浓淡变化多,虽全用水墨,却将花叶的色泽、质感真实表现出来,有「墨分五彩」之妙。 内容简介(英文): Chao Meng-chien, a chin-shih degree holder of 1226, was a lofty and scholarly member of the Sung imperial family. With his broad learning, he spanned the noble, scholar-official, and literati classes. He excelled at monochrome ink paintings of narcissi, orchids and plum blossoms, and bamboo and stones. His pure and extraordinary works were elegant and refined. Several surviving versions of narcissi are attributed to Chao Meng-chien. All are horizontal scrolls done in ink on paper. This one has precise and elegantly strong brushwork. The petals twist and turn at will, and the light and dark washes of ink vary. Though done only in ink, the lifelike features of the beautiful flowers shine forth. The beauty of ink truly “can represent all colors”. 内容简介(英文): Zhao Mengjian (style name Zigu) was a member of the Song imperial house. A Presented Scholar (jinshi) of the Baoqing era under Emperor Lizong, he served up to the post of Grand Master for Closing Court and Governor of Yanzhou. He was a famous late Song artist who a member of the nobility, a scholar-gentleman, and a literatus. Zhao was gifted at poetry and excelled at calligraphy, also specializing in ink renditions of plum blossoms, orchids, and bamboo and stones. He was especially gifted at “ink line” (baimiao) paintings of narcissus, his elegant and untrammeled style held in high esteem by contemporaries. Several versions of Zhao’s narcissus paintings survive, all of them long handscrolls in ink on paper. This version in the Museum collection, though it depicts only one kind of flower, is exceptionally varied in terms of composition, appearing dense at times and sparse at others. The baimiao lines are strong yet fluid, twisting with the turns of the blades. Pale ink in subtle variations of light and dark washes bring out the hue and quality of the blossoms and blades. They appear as if before our very eyes, making this a masterpiece of “colors in monochrome ink.”(20110102)