主要主题:人物孩童四人;次要主题:建筑栏杆 ;次要主题:建筑庭院 ;次要主题:器用 水缸,火盆;次要主题:树木杨柳 ;其他主题:树木竹 ;其他主题:花草莲荷荷花;其他主题:花草月季 玫瑰 蔷薇月季;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)椅;其他主题:器用童玩玩具船技法:
界画 皴法 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页62 收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(干清宫),第一册,页506 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三册,页257-258 参考书目: 1.刘芳如,〈宋人子孙和合图〉,收入刘芳如、葛婉章编,《婴戏图》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1990年四月初版),页86。 内容简介(中文): 画孩童在园中戏水船,五爪龙纹蓝彩瓷缸种植粉红荷花正盛开着。取童「子」、「荷」花的谐音而成「子孙和合」之寓意,绘婴戏图透露出追求福多子多的吉祥意义。画面中的长方凳座面是棕藤编织物,腿间饰壶门券口,下为如意形脚。画中除柳树,另有月季、嫩竹傍石而生。本幅旧题为宋人所作,若由其精致服饰、家具器用及庭院栏杆装饰物来看,实应为明代中期宫廷画师所绘。 内容简介(中文): 三名童子在庭中戏水船,彩瓷缸开放着粉色的荷花。本幅画取童「子」「荷」花之谐音而名「子孙和合」。画中月季、嫩竹傍石而生,亦含四季平安之意。 内容简介(英文): Three children are playing in the garden by a colorful porcelain cistern planted with pink lotuses. In the lower right corner of the picture, there are also roses and bamboo. All the elements represented in this painting bear an auspicious message especially suitable for the New Year: "Progeny, peace and harmony forever." 内容简介(英文): Children here play with toy boats in a courtly garden scene. Tender green lotus leaves along with pink lotus blossoms appear in a colorful cistern decorated with five-clawed dragons. Associating children with sons and lotuses with peace, blessings for good luck lie behind the play on words in the Chinese title. The plump and lively children also convey a blessing for having offspring as well as auspiciousness. The seat of the rectangular stool is done with coir palm fiber and the legs are open and have ju-i feet. In the lower right corner are roses and bamboo. Although attributed to an anonymous Sung painter, the fine clothing, furniture, objects, and decorated railing here suggest the court style of middle Ming dynasty (1368-1644) painting.