主要主题:走兽猫(貍奴) ;次要主题:花草牡丹 ;其他主题:器用花器铜壶;其他主题:器用 铜洗技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(御书房),第七册,页3096 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页76 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第六册,页159-160 参考书目: 1.吴诵芬,〈宣德宸翰-允文允武的艺术天子明宣宗书画作品〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第349期(2012年4月),页50-59。2.吴诵芬;〈明宣宗戏猿图轴介绍〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第351期(2012年6月份),页106-113。 内容简介(中文): 明宣宗(西元一三九九-一四三五年),姓朱,名瞻基。建元宣德,都北京,自号长春真人,太祖曾孙。工书画,山水、人物、花鸟、草虫,往往与宣和(宋徽宗)争胜。此图作成于宣德四年(一四二九),画花偃仰得宜,而顾盼生姿,画猫用笔精细,纤毫毕至。猫谐音为耄,祝颂长寿,并以牡丹寓富贵。铜壶花器虚悬,内仅花三朵,中间绿叶渐层而上,逾于梁上,极富轻盈之趣。地上置有椭圆三足洗,为典型明初官窑宫廷造器。画上钤「宣德秘阁图书之宝」,并有大学士杨士奇(一三六五-一四四四)题记。 内容简介(英文): Hsüan-tsung (surname Chu, personal name Tan-chi) was the grandson of Emperor Ch’eng-tsu (r. 1403-1424). The fifth emperor of the Ming dynasty, Hsüan-tsung ruled from 1425 to 1435 under the reign name of Hsüan-te. He enjoyed writing poems and painting, and he was able to produced spontaneous and natural works of art. In many ways, he is compared with the greatest of emperor-artists, Hui-tsung (r.1101-1125) of the Sung dynasty.In this painting dated to 1429, a vase of peonies has been beautifully rendered with delicate naturalism, and they appear suspended in a vase hooked to a rope. At the bottom of the painting is a furry cat gazing curiously up at the flowers. In Chinese, the pronunciation for cat is a homonym for old age. The cat here is thus a symbol for long life, while the peony is an age-old motif for prosperity. Although the vase appears full, only three blossoms of the luxuriant peony are shown. The shading and movement of the leaves are refined, suggesting three-dimensional space, while the color harmonizes with the hues of the bronze. To the middle right is a low three-legged wash basin typical of those made in the early Ming. At the top of the painting is a seal that reads Hsüan-te pi-ko t’u-shu chih pao (“Hsüan-te Treasure of the Imperial Repository”) and a long inscription by the grand secretariat Yang Shih-ch’i(1365-1444). 网页展示说明 根据题跋,此图作成于宣德四年(一四二九),是明宣宗画来赏赐大臣杨士奇(一三六五-一四四四)的,画中猫儿好奇的仰望头顶插着牡丹花的悬吊铜壶,好像正在打算要跳上去看个明白。猫谐音为耄,祝颂长寿,并以牡丹寓富贵。本幅画猫用笔精细,纤毫毕至。铜壶花器虚悬,置花三朵,中间绿叶渐层而上,盖过壶把,极富轻盈之趣。地上置有椭圆三足洗,为典型明初官窑宫廷造器。(20120407) 网页展示说明 According to its inscription, this painting was done in the fourth year of Xuanzong's reign (1429) for the high official Yang Shiqi (1365-1444). The cat here looks up with curiosity at the peonies arranged in the hanging bronze pot, as if about to find a way to leap up and get a closer look. The traditional word for cat in Chinese is a homophone for octogenarian and therefore a blessing for longevity, while the peony is an age-old symbol of wealth and prosperity. The brushwork for rendering the cat is here delicate and exceptionally refined. The three peony blossoms arranged in the flowerpot, with shades of green leaves in the middle, overhang from the rim for a sense of overflowing abundance. Also on the ground is a three-legged washbasin, a classical form produced at the imperial kilns in the early Ming dynasty.(20120407) 网页展示说明 题跋によれば、この作品は宣徳4年(1429)に描かれ、大臣杨士奇(1365-1444)に下赐されたものである。画中に描かれた猫は兴味津々で上から吊るされた铜壶を见上げている。壶にはボタンの花が生けてある。猫が今正に飞びかかろうとしているのは明らかである。「猫」と「耄」は同音の语吕合わせでめでたい长寿を表し、ボタンは富贵の象徴である。本作の猫は繊细な笔遣いで至极丁宁に描かれている。吊り下げられた铜壶には3本の花が生けてあり、中ほどの绿の叶が上に向かって徐々に重なり壶の持ち手を复い、実に軽やかな雰囲気がある。床に置かれた楕円形三つ足の洗は、明代初头の官窑による典型的な宫廷用器である。(20120407)