题跋类别:作者款识;作者:文嘉;题跋位置:本幅;款识:庐山高。高乎哉。郁然二百五十里之盘踞。岌乎三千三百丈之巃嵷。谓即敷浅原。培嵝何敢争其雄。西来天堑濯其足。云霞日夕吞吐乎其胸。回崖沓嶂鬼手擘。磵道千丈开鸿蒙。瀑流淙淙泻不及。雷霆殷地闻者耳欲聋。时有落叶于其间。直下彭蠡流霜红。金膏水碧不可觅。石林幽黑号绿熊。陈夫子。今仲弓。世家庐之下。有元厥祖迁江东。尚知庐灵有默契。不远千里锺于公。我尝游公门。仰我弥高庐并崇。逍遥诗酒九十禩。飘飘白发如秋蓬。襟怀浩荡在物表。仙踪道骨凌天风。门生沈周诗画。敬为醒庵有道先生九十寿。此图旧在吴中。馀屡见之。爱其笔法之妙。因彷彿为此。殊愧不类也。万历丁丑(西元一五七七年)三月既望。并录其诗于上云。茂苑文嘉。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:休承主题:
主要主题:山水名胜庐山;其他主题:花草藤萝 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:树木柏 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:人物行旅 ;其他主题:人物侍从(侍女、童仆)童仆;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;其他主题:器用枴杖 ;其他主题:器用文玩(琴棋书画)琴;其他主题:建筑栏杆 ;其他主题:建筑桥 ;其他主题:建筑寺庙 ;其他主题:走兽马 ;其他主题:山水山径 ;其他主题:山水瀑布 ;其他主题:山水溪涧、湍泉 ;其他主题:山水石磴、栈道栈道;其他主题:山水云 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海江河技法:
工笔 写意 皴法 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条) 人物衣纹描法(减笔)参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1931 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页80 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第八册,页55-56 内容简介(中文): 文嘉(西元一五○一-一五八三年),字休承,号文水,长洲(江苏苏州)人,文征明次子。能诗工书画,山水尤精,笔墨疎秀,气韵甚佳。嘉画出于家学,笔势方秀而多稜角,用墨方面尤富奇趣。此幅构景诗题皆仿沈周庐山高图,在自题中言及曾于吴中屡见沈周之画,因爱其笔墨精妙而临仿之。然沈周画之笔墨全法王蒙,层层皴染,颇觉浑朴淳厚,而文嘉此图钩皴山石则用枯笔,造型亦不相近,盖只取其意而已。画成于万历丁丑,时七十七岁。 内容简介(英文): Wen Chia, a native of Ch'ang-chou (modern Soochow, Kiangsu), was the second son of the famous Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559). His style name was Hsiu-ch'eng, his sobriquet Wen-shui. Noted for his poetry, calligraphy and painting, especially landscapes, he derived his style from his family tradition. His brushwork is sparse and elegant, and his painting is known for its rhythmic quality. His work is characterized by the use of sharp-angled strokes, making his paintings more unusual and interesting. Both composition and poetic inscription of this work resemble those of Shen Chou's “Lofty Mt. Lu”. Wen mentions in the inscription he often saw Shen's paintings while in Soochow. He admired Shen's excellent brushwork; thus he modeled his work after Shen's. Shen's “Lofty Mt. Lu”,however,is based on Wang Meng's style; he use layers of ink and wrinkle strokes to model the mountain and rocks, thus creating a sense of straightforwardness and denseness. Quite differently, Wen used dry brush strokes to draw the contours of the mountain and rocks and Moreover, the shape of the mountain is disimilar to that of Shen's. Evidently, Wen took only the idea from Shen's “Lofty Mt. Lu”.The painting was executed in 1577 when Wen was seventy-six years old.