主要主题:佛道人物罗汉(应真、尊者)嘎礼嘎尊者;次要主题:佛道人物僧(和尚、尼姑) ;其他主题:佛道人物居士 ;其他主题:器用家俱(屏风)几;其他主题:器用宗教器用钵技法:
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收藏着录: 秘殿珠林续编(干清宫),页367-369 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页155 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第二十七册,页320-325 内容简介(中文): 庄豫德,乾隆时(西元一七三六至一七九五年)内廷供奉,善画。 卢楞伽,又作卢稜伽,为唐代佛画名家,曾作「十八应真」,然传至清代只馀其六。乾隆间,内廷供奉庄豫德选摹五代前蜀道释画巨匠贯休之罗汉画全本,以补足卢本残佚部份。故本册实名为「庄豫德摹贯休补卢楞伽十八应真」。此为本册的第四开,人物面相神情生动,衣纹细劲流利。下幅与现存于大陆「卢稜伽六尊者册」之第二幅嘎那嘎拔哈喇錣襍尊者相较,知庄氏之描摹十分忠实。 内容简介(英文): Chuang Yü-te (fl. 1736-1795) was a Palace Attendant in the Inner Court who excelled at painting. Lu Leng-chia (fl. 730-760) was a T’ang dynasty mater of Buddhist paintings who once depicted “The Eighteen Lohans.” However, only six of these lohan images had been preserved by the Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911). During the Ch’ien-lung era (1736-1795), a Palace Attendant of the Inner Court, Chuang Yü-te, chose to copy some of the lohan paintings by the great craftsman-painter of Buddhist and Taoist themes from the Former Shu of the Five Dynasties, Kuan-hsiu (823-912), as a means to supplement the missing sections of the Lu Leng-chia set of lohan paintings. Thus, this album of paintings is actually named, “Chuang Yü-te’s Copies of Kuan-hsiu’s” Lohans to Supplement Lu Leng-chia’s “Lohans.” This particular work is the fourth leaf from Chuang Yü-te’s album. The countenances of the figures are animated and lively, and the drapery lines are delicately, vigorously, and fluently executed. The lower painting of Kanakabharadrāja mounted in this album leaf by Chuang Yü-te, compared with the original image in the second leaf of “Lu Leng-chia’s Album of Six Lohans” presently preserved on mainland China, demonstrates that Chuang Yü-te’s copy is a very faithful one.