题跋类别:作者款识;作者:金俊明;题跋位置:本幅;款识:五骨冰心世外姿。横空孤耸冻虬枝。平生自爱凌寒丛。不怕霜风用意吹。丁未中秋之望写并题。耿菴金俊明。;书体:楷书;全文: 印记:俊明、孝章、启秀主题:
收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页163 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第三十册,页132-135 参考书目: 1.刘芳如,〈明金俊明玉骨冰心〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《画梅名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1991年元月初版),页96。 内容简介(中文): 金俊明,生在明神宗万历三十(公元一六0二)年,死在清圣祖康熙十四(公元一六七五)年,江苏吴县人,初名衮,字九章,后改名俊明,字孝章,号耿庵,自称不寐道人。出身诸生,曾参加复社,天性孝友,为人修行纯洁,经史百家天文水利无所不读,才名借甚,诗词文章外,又善书画,画中能山水、竹、石,而以墨梅最出名,前人批评为「萧疏有致」,以其与宋末郑思肖的墨兰相比拟。 本扇面画于六十五岁时,老干虬枝,素花如雪,全得梅花疏傲之致。 内容简介(中文): 金俊明(西元一六0二–一六七五年),吴县(今江苏苏州)人。初名衮,字九章,后更今名,改字孝章,号耿庵,自称不寐道人,私諡贞孝。天性孝友,修行纯洁。经、史、子、传、天文、水利靡不精究。工诗文,善画,墨梅最工,山水竹石亦萧疏有致。 本幅为「花卉画册」第十一开,白描画梅榦一枝,枝头数朵梅花,姿态偃仰有致。笔墨清雅高古,益显梅花超凡的特质。据画上题识,此帧乃金氏康熙丁未年(一六六七)之作,时年六十六岁。 内容简介(英文): Chin Kun (style name Chiu-chang) later changed his name to Chin Chün-ming (style name Hsiao-chang; sobriquets Keng-an and Pu-mei tao-jen), and was unofficially awarded the posthumous title of Chen-hsiao. He was a native of Wu-hsien (modern Soochow, Kiangsu). By nature filial and friendly, he cultivated sincerity and faithfulness. He was well versed in the Classics, history, philosophy, chronicles, astronomy, and water utilization. He was good at poetry and writing, and he excelled at painting, being best at plum blossoms in monochrome ink. His paintings of landscapes and rocks with bamboo were also beautifully composed. In this album leaf rendered in monochrome outlines (pai-miao) is a blossoming plum tree with a single branch. At the tip of the branch are several plum blossoms in varying poses. The use of brush and ink is elegant and loftily archaic, thus fully expressing the extraordinary characteristics of the plum blossoms. According to the inscription on the painting, this work was done in 1667, when the artist was 65-years-old. 内容简介(英文): Chin Chün-ming (original name Chin Kun, tzu Chiu-chang; later changed his name to Chün-ming, tzu Hsiao-chang, hao Keng-an and Pu-mei tao-jen) came from Suchou in Kiangsu. He began a promising official career in the late Ming but refused to serve the court after the Ch’ing takeover and became a member of the Ming loyalist Fu-she Society. He was by nature a loyal friend and cultivated a strong moral rectitude. A scholar of broad learning, he explored all branches of history and the classics, and his talents were widely acclaimed. Aside from poetry and essays, he also excelled in painting and calligraphy. His painting repertoire included landscape, bamboo, and rocks, but he was most famous for his ink plum blossoms. Previous critics have attributed the special flavor of his style to his voluntary retirement and seclusion and have likened him to the famous Sung Dynasty loyalist painter of ink orchids, Cheng Ssu-hsiao. This fan was painted when the artist was 65 years of age. The ancient trunks and twisted branches, with their plain blossoms white as snow, fully express the solitary, proud nature of the plum and of the artist.