题跋类别:作者款识;作者:刘炤;题跋位置:本幅;款识:刘炤;书体:楷书;全文: 印记:会稽人、监湖钓叟主题:
主要主题:翎毛雁十二只;其他主题:花草芦苇 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海湖技法:
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收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页89 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第九册,页277-278 内容简介(中文): 刘炤,生卒年不详,字巢云,浙江绍兴人。善画翎毛、花卉,且喜吟咏,诗画皆精妙绝伦。 明代画水墨芦雁名家,当推用笔豪放潇洒的林良(活动于十五世纪后半叶)。另一善工笔设色的吕纪(活动于十四至十五世纪间),偶亦有水墨之作,其用笔虽不及林良粗犷,但也洒脱雅逸。 本幅描写江边野雁群聚,笔意雅秀,与吕纪一派风格较为接近。 内容简介(英文): Liu Chao (style name Ch’ao-yün) was a native of Shao-hsing, Chekiang. He excelled at painting birds-and-flowers and animals. He also enjoyed reciting poetry, forming a fine complement to his painting. The most famous painter of reeds-and-geese in monochrome ink was Lin Liang (fl. latter half of 15th c.), whose brush and ink was free and unrestrained. Lü Chi (fl. 14th-15th c.) was a painter who excelled at refined brushwork using colors, but he also did an occasional work in monochrome ink. Although Lü’s brushwork was not as coarse as Lin’s, it still had a relaxed and untrammeled quality. In this work is a flock of wild geese by the shore of a river. The brushwork is elegant and refined, being quite similar to the Lü Chi style. 网页展示说明 刘炤,生卒年不详,字巢云,会稽(今浙江绍兴人)。善画翎毛、花卉,且喜吟咏,诗画皆精妙绝伦。 明代画水墨芦雁的名家,当推活动于十五世纪后半,用笔豪放潇洒的林良。另一位是善画工笔设色花鸟的吕纪(活动于十四至十五世纪间),偶亦有水墨之作,用笔虽不及林良粗犷,但也洒脱雅逸。画史记载,刘炤擅长巨幅大画。本幅描写江边野雁群聚,笔意雅秀,与吕纪一派风格较为接近。(20110408) 网页展示说明 Liu Zhao, whose birth and death dates are unknown, went by the style name Chaoyun. A native of Guiji (modern Shaoxing, Zhejiang), he excelled at painting birds and flowers. He also enjoyed reciting poetry, forming a fine complement to his painting. One of the most famous Ming dynasty painters of reeds-and-geese in monochrome ink was Lin Liang (fl. latter half of 15thc.). His use of brush and ink was free and unrestrained. The other was Lü Ji (fl. 14th-15th c.), who specialized in fine-line depictions of birds and flowers in colors but occasionally did ink paintings. Although his brushwork is not as coarse as Lin Liang's, it is also free and elegant. Records in painting histories indicate that Liu Zhao specialized in monumental paintings. In this work depicting a flock of wild geese by a riverbank, the brushwork is elegant and closer to the school of Lü Ji.(20110408) 网页展示说明 刘炤、生没年不详、字は巣云、会稽(现在の浙江省绍兴市)の人。翎毛(鸟獣)や花卉画を善くし、吟咏を好んだ。诗文と絵画のいずれにも极めて优れていた。 明代の水墨芦雁画の名家には、15世纪后半に活动した、豪放でありながら潇洒な笔遣いの林良がいる。もう一人は、致密な描写と着色花鸟画で知られる吕纪(14?15世纪の间に活动)で、吕纪にも水墨作品があり、用笔は林良のような荒々しさはないが、その画风にはやはり洗练された趣がある。画史によれば、刘炤は巨幅の大作を得意としたという。本作には水辺に群れ集う雁が描かれている。秀丽な趣は吕纪一派の画风にやや近い。(20110408)