题跋类别:作者款识;作者:唐岱;题跋位置:本幅;款识:臣唐岱。孙祜。沈源。丁观鹏。王幼学。周鲲。吴桂。奉敕恭画。;书体:楷书;全文: 印记:臣唐岱、朝朝染翰主题:
主要主题:山水 ;次要主题:建筑宫殿 ;其他主题:建筑栏杆 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:树木杨柳 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海 ;其他主题:建筑桥 ;其他主题:船 ;其他主题:建筑台阁 ;其他主题:建筑篱笆、围墙围墙;其他主题:人物百姓 ;其他主题:人物渔夫、船夫 ;其他主题:山水瀑布 ;其他主题:山水云技法:
工笔 界画 皴法 人物衣纹描法(匀称线条) 苔点参考资料:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈续编(御书房),第四册,页2262 收藏着录: 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页135 收藏着录: 故宫书画图录,第十四册,页363-364 参考书目: 1.李霖灿,〈新丰图和新丰父老图〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第17期(1984年8月),页105-109。2.胡赛兰,〈巨幅名画特展〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第118期(1993年1月),页48。 内容简介(中文): 汉高祖刘邦本是丰邑(江苏丰县)人,称帝后定都长安。由于父亲思乡,于是将长安的街道改建成丰的样子,并命丰的居民移居于此,以满足太上皇的思乡之情。 这幅画由乾隆时期的宫廷画家唐岱(一六七三-一七五二以后)、孙祜(十八世纪后半)、丁观鹏(一七三六-一七九五)等合作,以繁缛而精工的技法,描绘新建的丰邑市街景象,殿宇宏伟,街市井然,色彩妍丽,是典型的清代院画风格。 内容简介(英文): Liu Pang, the founding emperor Kao-tsu of the Han dynasty, originally was from Feng (modern Feng County, Kiangsu). After proclaiming himself emperor, he settled in Ch’ang-an. His father, however, became nostalgic for their hometown, so Liu Pang had some streets of Ch’ang-an rebuilt to imitate Feng and ordered that the residents of Feng move to Ch’ang-an to satisfy his father’s longings. This is a cooperative work of the Ch’ien-lung period court artists T’ang Tai, Sun Hu, and Ting Kuan-p’eng (fl. 1736-1795). Done in consummate detail and refinement, it shows the scenery of the newly built Feng city streets. The buildings are grand, the streets orderly, and the colors vivid-typical of the Ch’ing court painting style. 网页展示说明 汉高祖刘邦本是丰邑(江苏丰县)人,称帝后定都长安。由于父亲思乡,于是将长安的街道改建成丰的样子,并命丰的居民移居于此,以满足太上皇的思乡之情。 这幅画由乾隆时期的宫廷画家唐岱(一六七三-一七五二以后)、孙祜(十八世纪后半)、丁观鹏(一七三六-一七九五)等合作,以繁缛而精工的技法,描绘新建的丰邑市街景象,殿宇宏伟,街市井然,色彩妍丽,是典型的清代院画风格。(20100408) 网页展示说明 Liu Bang, the founding emperor Gaozu of the Han dynasty, originally was from Fengyi (modern Fengxian, Jiangsu). After proclaiming himself emperor, he settled in the capital Chang’an. His father, however, became nostalgic for their hometown, so Liu Bang had some streets of Chang’an rebuilt to imitate those of Feng. He also ordered the residents from the old hometown to move to Chang’an to thus satisfy his father’s longings. This is a cooperative work of the Qianlong period (18th c.) court artists Tang Dai, Sun Hu, and Ding Guanpeng. Done in consummate detail and refinement, it shows the scenery of the newly built Feng city streets. The buildings are grand, the streets orderly, and the colors vivid—typical of the Qing court painting style.(20100408) 网页展示说明 汉の高祖、刘邦は豊邑(江苏豊県)の人。即位后は长安に都を置いた。その父亲が故郷を偲んだため、长安の街并みを豊邑の情景に造りかえ、豊邑の住民をここに移住させ、太上皇の故郷への思いを満たした。本作は乾隆时代の宫廷画家唐岱(1673-1752以降)、孙祜(十八世纪后半に活动)、丁観鹏(1736-1795)ら6人の共同作品であり、复雑で致密な技法により、新たに造られた豊邑の街并みを描いている。雄壮な建物、整然とした街并み、华やかな色遣いなど、典型的な清代院画の画风がうかがえる作品である。(20100408)