题跋类别:作者款识;作者:石涛;题跋位置:本幅;款识:人家踈处晒新罾。渔父蛟人结比朋。我坐小舟惟自对。那能不忆箇山僧。清湘老人济。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:膏盲子济、瞎尊者、赞之十世孙阿长主题:
次要主题:建筑房舍 ;次要主题:船渔船 ;次要主题:人物高士(士人、隐士) ;次要主题:人物渔夫、船夫 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海 ;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:树木杨柳 ;其他主题:树木技法:
收藏着录: 张岳军先生王雪艇先生罗志希夫人捐赠书画特展图录,页98、228 内容简介(中文): 石涛(1642-1708)本名朱若极,号大涤子、清湘老人、苦瓜和尚等,明朝皇室后代。明亡之后出家为僧,游历安徽宣城,隐居金陵、扬州等地。善画山水、花果、兰竹。笔、墨、构图均不受传统法则拘束,风格独创。此图写清江泛舟,岸边渔人攀网捕鱼之景。虽着墨无多,落笔潇洒,为石涛简澹之作。其写水边树木,略似八大山人。题诗中亦有怀念箇山僧(即八大山人)之语。诗云:「人家踈处晒新罾。渔父蛟人结比朋。我坐小舟惟自对。那能不忆箇山僧。」 王世杰先生捐赠于民国67年。(20110204) 内容简介(英文): Shitao, originally named Zhu Ruoji, had the sobriquets Dadizi, Qingxiang laoren, and Kugua heshang. A scion of the Ming dynasty imperial family, after the fall of the Ming, he took the tonsure and became a Buddhist monk, traveling to Xuancheng in Anhui and living in reclusion at Jinling (Nanjing) and Yangzhou. He excelled at painting landscapes, fruits and vegetables, and orchids and bamboo. In neither brushwork, use of ink, nor composition was he constrained by the rules of tradition, his style being unique and innovative.This painting depicts a boating scene on a pure river with fishermen by banks catching fish. Without much ink and the brushwork casual and elegant, it is still a fine and succinct work by Shitao. His description of the trees by the water is vaguely reminiscent of that by Bada shanren. In fact, the poem written at the top mentions his recollection of the monk Geshan, referring to Bada shanren. The poem reads, “In a place with few people are new fishnets drying in the sun. It is where fishermen and those of the waters commingle and befriend each other. As I sit in my small skiff and face only myself, how can I not recall the monk Geshan?”Mr. Wang Shih-chieh donated this painting to the National Palace Museum in 1978.(20110204)