题跋类别:作者款识;作者:张崟;题跋位置:本幅;款识:记得停桡苔云上。水村户户读书声。夕庵张崟。;书体:行书;全文: 印记:张崟之印、宝巖氏主题:
主要主题:山水 ;其他主题:山水江河、湖海湖海;其他主题:树木松 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士)士人;其他主题:建筑房舍 ;其他主题:器用文房用具 ;其他主题:船篷舟 ;其他主题:人物渔夫、船夫船夫;其他主题:人物孩童 ;其他主题:建筑桥技法:
写意 皴法参考资料:
内容简介(中文): 张崟(西元一七六一-一八二九年)。丹徒人。字宝巖。号夕庵。又号且翁。工篆隶行草。善画画。好作诗。着有逃禅阁诗集。 这幅画用干笔皴擦。烟岚弥漫的远山,墨晕淡淡的。近山处,一雅士在松下听泉,让人进入忘我的境界。 内容简介(中文): 张崟(西元一七六一-一八二九年)字宝崖。晚号且翁。所居称饮绿草堂。江苏镇江人,贡生。以诗画著名,花卉竹石佛像俱工,尤长于山水。幼年见同邑潘恭寿学文征明,感到兴趣而跟着学习,既而又改学沈周。据作者自题,画的是停舟溪边听读书声。画中溪山,景色幽雅,特别引人注目的,在于画上的树丛,茂密之外,层次繁复而分明,设色也别具浓腻。本幅为朱铭源先生捐赠。 内容简介(中文): 张崟(西元一七六一-一八二九年),江苏丹徒人。出身于经商致富的家庭,早年临习家藏古书画,并与当时名家切磋画艺。中年以后家道中落,以卖画为生。善山水、花卉、竹石,传承沈周、文征明引领的吴派画风,笔墨细密,设色雅淡。又长于作实景图,创为「京江派」,本幅无论取材、画法都着力于表现吴派特有的抒情画风。 本幅为朱铭源先生捐赠。 内容简介(英文): Landscape Chang Yin (1761-1829)Ch’ing Dynasty Chang Yin, a native of Tan-t’u in Kiangsu, was born into a wealthy merchant family. At an early age, he studied the family collection of ancient painting and calligraphy while learning from famous painters of the time. From his middle years, his family fell on hard times, and he made a living from painting. He excelled at landscapes, flowers, and bamboo-and-stones, following in the painting style led by Shen Chou and Wen Cheng-ming. His brushwork was fine and dense, and his coloring elegant and light. He also excelled at painting actual scenery, forming the Ching-chiang School. This work, regardless of subject matter or painting method, strongly expresses the lyrical painting style of the Wu School. It was donated by Mr. Chu Ming-yüan. 内容简介(英文): Landscape Chang Yin (1761-1829)Ch’ing Dynasty Chang Yin, a native of Kiangsu, was a kung-sheng civil service graduate. He was famous for his poetry and painting, excelling at flowers, bamboo and stones, Buddhist images, and especially landscapes. In his youth, P’an Kung-shou, a fellow native, was studying the style of Wen Cheng-ming. Becoming interested, Chang decided to follow him. He then later turned to the style of Shen Chou. According to the artist’s inscription here, the subject of this work is listening to a stream while studying. The stream and mountains appear peaceful and serene. What catches the eye, however, is the beautiful gradation of ink and color that was used to render the lush trees. This work was donated to the Museum by Mr. Chu Ming-yüan. 内容简介(英文): LandscapeChang Yin (1761-1829)Ch’ing Dynasty Chang Yin (tzu Pao-yen, hao Hsi-an and Ch’ieh-weng) came form Tan-t’u, Kiangsu. As a calligrapher he practiced the seal, clerical, Semi-cursive and cursive scripts; he was also known for his poetry and paintings. This landscape was painted with a dry brush and rubbed texture strokes. Distant mountains emerge form watery mists, painted with pale, swirling ink. Near the foreground mountains a scholar under a pine tree listens to a waterfall, inviting the viewer to enter this world in which the self is forgotten.