内容简介(中文): 释迦牟尼在菩提树下悟道成佛,因此寺院常栽种此树,或以其叶片写经、作画。本册各幅即绘于菩提叶上,再装裱成册。画中以佛教罗汉群像为主题。罗汉由修行者衍生出渡化众生的菩萨特质,在印度并未形成信仰,却盛行于中国。册中以三十开共图绘五百罗汉,多为施展神通或显现异象的描绘。造型温雅,用笔细致而设色鲜艳,对幅则以金抄经文。本册为刘永楙、永仁、永益、永理先生昆仲捐赠。 内容简介(中文): 释迦牟尼在菩提树下悟道成佛,因此寺院常栽种此树,或以其叶片写经、作画。本册各幅即绘于菩提叶上,再装裱成册。 画中以佛教罗汉群像为主题,造型温雅,或施展神通,或显现异象。罗汉由修行者衍生出渡化众生的菩萨特质,在印度并未形成信仰,却盛行于中国。通幅用笔细致,设色鲜艳,又以青色为底,加上对幅青底上书泥金经文,更添明丽。 刘永楙、永仁、永益、永理先生昆仲捐赠于民国73年。(20120106) 内容简介(英文): Shakyamuni achieved enlightenment under a bodhi tree, which is why Buddhist temples and monasteries often plant this kind of tree and used its leaves to transcribe scriptures and do paintings. Each leaf here is done on a bodhi leaf and mounted in the form of an album.The paintings depict groups of Buddhist lohans, or “worthy ones.” They appear gentle with some giving play to their powers or revealing their supernatural phenomena. Lohans went from practitioners to figures with bodhi spirit assisting all living beings. A belief system did not form around them in India but became popular in China. This work is done in fine brushwork with opulent colors with a cyan blue background. With the scriptural text on a blue background for the opposing leaf, it adds further brilliance to the work.Messrs. Liu Yung-mao, Liu Yung-jen, Liu Yung-i, and Liu Yung-li donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1984.(20120106) 内容简介(英文): The Buddha is said to have achieved enlightenment under a bodhi tree, which is why Buddhist temples often plant this tree or use its leaves for writing texts or painting-as seen here.Each leaf here takes a group of lohans as the subject. Lohans were originally disciples of the Buddha who became bodhisattva-like figures. In China, a belief system developed around them, but not in India. This selection is from an album of 30 leaves, which portray a total of 500 lohans. Many are shown with strange powers or in the process of transformation. The brushwork is fine and the colors bright. Each opposing leaf has text written in gold ink. This album was donated by Messrs. Liu Yung-mgo, Liu Yung-jen, Liu Yung-i, and Liu Ying-li.