主要主题:山水名胜苏州天平山主要主题:山水 ;其他主题:树木 ;其他主题:人物高士(士人、隐士)技法:
收藏着录: 蔡辰男先生捐赠书画目录,页69、126 参考书目: 1.刘芳如,〈清吴昌硕苏州天平山景〉,收入刘芳如主编,《十九世纪末期中西画风的感通之二--国立故宫博物院所藏同时期名家作品展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1993年初版),页96。2.刘芳如、陈阶晋、谭怡令、何炎泉,〈近代书画名品选萃〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第310期(2009年1月),页73。 内容简介(中文): 吴昌硕(西元一八四四-一九二七年),原名俊,字昌硕,七十岁后以字行。书法以石鼓文见长,用笔结体,一变前人成法;篆刻以浙、皖诸家入手,上溯秦汉印鈢,钝刀硬入,朴茂苍劲;又以金石书法入画,笔墨坚挺,气魄厚重,色彩浓郁,结构突兀,为海上画派巨擘。本幅水墨画高山急流,行人独步山径。款署乙卯,是年吴昌硕七十二岁,笔意纵恣,墨色浓淡挥洒自如。本幅为蔡辰男先生捐赠。 内容简介(英文): In calligraphy, Wu Ch’ang-shih specialized in stone drum script, but developed his own style. He also adopted the style of stone and bronze inscriptions in his painting. His forceful brushwork and dark ink were often complemented by brilliant colors in unusual compositions, making him foremost among the masters of the Shanghai School. A solitary figure strolls on a mountain path amidst a lofty mountain and swift currents in this ink painting. This work was done in 1915 when Wu was 71 years of age. The brushwork and light and dark shades of ink have all been executed freely. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Ts’ai Ch’en-nan. 内容简介(英文): Wu Ch’ang-shih (given name Chün; style name Ts’ang-shih; sobriquets Fou-lu, K’u-t’ieh, P’o-ho, Lau-fou, and Ta-lung) was a native of An-chi, Chekiang. In calligraphy, Wu specialized in stone-drum script. He developed his own style by transforming the brushwork and structure of existing calligraphy. He studied seal carving from various sources going as far back as Chin (221-201 BC) and Han (206 BC-AD 220) dynasties. He adopted the technique of stone and bronze inscription to his painting. His brushwork is hard and forceful, with heavy and thick inking and brilliant and busy coloration, often with extraordinary composition. Wu was among the foremost of the Shanghai masters. A solitary figure strolls on a mountain path amidst a lofty mountain and swift currents in this ink painting. This painting was executed when Wu was seventy-two. The brushwork and light and dark shades of ink have all been executed freely. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Ts’ai Ch’en-nan.