题跋类别:作者款识;作者:倪田;题跋位置:本幅;款识:衡山仁兄先生雅属即正之。时甲寅长夏邗上。倪田墨畊写于壁月盦。;书体:草书;全文: 印记:墨畊、千乘主题:
主要主题:树木松 主要主题:走兽马 ;其他主题:人物牧童 ;其他主题:人物圉人牧马人技法:
人物衣纹描法(粗细线条) 写意参考资料:
收藏着录: 蔡辰男先生捐赠书画目录,页75、127 参考书目: 1.刘芳如,〈清倪田松荫牧马〉,收入刘芳如主编,《十九世纪末期中西画风的感通之二--国立故宫博物院所藏同时期名家作品展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1993年初版),页120。2.林柏亭、张华芝,〈清倪田松阴牧马图〉,收入林柏亭、张华芝编,《画马名品特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1990年元月初版),页107-108。 内容简介(中文): 倪田(1855-1919),江苏扬州人。初名宝田,字墨耕,又号璧月盦主。曾随王素习画,善人物、走兽。后至上海行商,再师任颐,画风受其影响极深,花卉、人马,擅胜于时。本幅画老少牧人与三匹壮硕马匹,徘徊于松等树荫下,状甚閒适。写树带有金石笔趣,线条苍劲古朴。画马则表现湿润感,有水墨淋漓之趣,饶富潇洒墨韵,画成于民国三年(1914)岁甲寅,时年六十。 蔡辰男先生捐赠于民国73年。(20120106) 内容简介(中文): 倪田(西元一八五五-一九一九年),江苏扬州人。初名宝田,字墨耕,又号璧月盦主。曾随王素习画,后行商至上海,再师任颐。画风受任氏影响极深。 老少牧人与三头壮硕马匹,徘徊树荫下,状甚閒适。写树带有金石笔趣,线条苍劲古朴。画马则发挥水墨淋漓之趣,饶富潇洒墨韵,画成于甲寅(一九一四年),时六十岁。 本幅为蔡辰男先生捐赠。 内容简介(中文): 倪田(西元一八五五-一九一九年),江苏扬州人。早年学画于王小梅,善人物、走兽。中年以后到上海,受任颐影响,参用任法,花卉、人马,擅胜于时。 本幅画老少牧人与三匹壮硕的马,徘徊松荫下,状甚閒适。画树的线条带有苍劲古朴的金石笔趣,画马则表现湿润的墨韵。画成于甲寅,时六十岁。 本幅为蔡辰男先生捐赠。 内容简介(英文): Ni T’ien, a native of Yangchow in Kiangsu Province, studied painting in his youth under Wang Hsiao-mei and excelled at figures and animals. From his middle years onwards, he lived in Shanghai and was influenced by the style of Jen I. Adopting some of Jen’s style, Ni’s paintings of flowers and horses and figures became popular at the time. This painting, donated by Mr. Ts’ai Chen-nan, shows a youth and old man tending to 3 stalwart horses under a pine tree in a scene of leisure and rest. The lines of the trees have an archaic and powerful manner associated with calligraphy based on bronze and stone inscriptions. The rendering of the horses, however, reveals a rich harmony of ink. This work was done by Ni in 1914 at the age of 60. 内容简介(英文): Ni T’ien (style name Mo-keng and sobriquet Pi-yüeh an-chu) was originally a student of Wang Su (1794-1877) and later traveled to Shanghai and studied under Jen I (Po-nien; 1840-1895), whose influence is seen in Ni’s works. Two herdsmen tend to three horses in the shade of a pine tree. They appear quite tranquil and comfortable. Executed in brushwork influenced by stone and bronze inscriptions, the tree exudes a flavor of ancient strength. In contrast, the horses are portrayed in wet ink work that seems casual and refined. This painting was completed in 1914. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Ts’ai Ch’en-nan. 内容简介(英文): Ni Tian (early name Baotian, style name Mogeng, sobriquet Biyue anzhu) was a native of Yangzhou in Jiangsu. He learned painting from Wang Su and excelled at figures and animals. He later went to Shanghai to engage in business, also studying under Ren Yi. Ni Tian was greatly influenced by Ren’s style and even surpassed his flowers and figures with horses.This painting depicts a young and old herder along with three strong horses standing with considerable leisure in the shade of various trees, including a pine. The rendering of the trees has some of the brush mannerisms of the Bronze and Stone school, the lines being hoary and archaic. The horses were done with brushwork as if dripping wet, creating a very free and easy manner. This painting was done in 1914 by Ni at the Chinese age of 60.Mr. Ts’ai Ch’en-nan donated this painting to the National Palace Museum in 1984.(20120106)