云形枕头与鱼_Cloud-Shaped Pillow with Fish 59448
碗与程式化的叶子_Bowl with Stylized Leaves 42166
菜与起重机在花卉卷轴之间_Dish with Crane amid Floral Scrolls 28350
菜神话中的牛(Xiniu)在波浪中观看月亮和星座_Dish with Mythical Bovine (Xiniu) Amid Waves Viewing the Moon and Constella
小球状罐与滚动的嘴唇和程式化的叶子_Small Globular Jar with Rolled Lip and Stylized Leaves 193031
牡丹卷轴豆形枕头_Bean-Shaped Pillow with Peony Scroll 59461
三脚架香炉_Tripod Censer 12517
有莲花和叶子的浅碗_Shallow Bowl with Lotus Flower and Leaves 45464
碗里的鱼_Bowl with Fish 48994