用牡丹卷轴菜_Dish with Peony Scroll 21549
圆锥形碗与牡丹滚动_Conical Bowl with Peony Scroll 21555
有牡丹花的栏杆形状的花瓶_Baluster-Shaped Vase with Peony Flowers 21701
带花纹花的细长卵形花瓶(眉坪)_Elongated Ovoid Vase (Meiping) with Stylized Flowers 53529
菜神话中的牛(Xiniu)在波浪中观看月亮和星座_Dish with Mythical Bovine (Xiniu) Amid Waves Viewing the Moon and Constella
有支持云彩状的Headdrest的男孩的枕头_Pillow with Boy Supporting a Cloud-Shaped Headdrest 132148
碗与牡丹卷轴_Bowl with Peony Scrolls 21483
老虎形枕头与花卉喷雾_Tiger-Shaped Pillow with Floral Spray 21702
滚动藤蔓中的儿童杯_Cup with Children among Scrolling Vines 42213
青蛙形内衣_Frog-Shaped Jarlet 21499
碗与花卉和波模式_Bowl with Floral and Wave Pattern 42215
以蹲伏狮子的形式站立_Stand in the Form of a Crouching Lion 80898