猪圈与塔_Pigsty with Tower 8723
神仙骑龙:墓穴山形部分_Immortals Riding Dragons Section of a Tomb Pediment 133709
香炉(香炉)_Incense Burner (Xianglu) 21397
古代青铜罐形式的容器(胡)_Container in the Form of an Ancient Bronze Jar (hu) 14803
粮仓(苍)_Granary (Cang) 12065
带蹲图,龙和凤凰的矩形瓷砖_Rectangular Tile with Squatting Figure, Dragons, and Phoenixes 21407
带有山形盖子的圆柱形罐子_Cylindrical Jar with Mountain-Shaped Lid 25207
底座与蹲熊_Pedestal with Squatting Bear 61606
棋盘游戏玩家_Board Game Player 51840