球形罐与模拟食人魔面具环手柄_Globular Jar with Mock Ogre Mask Ring Handles 12018
棺材的模型与图_Model of a Coffin with Figures 29715
粮仓的模型_Model of a Grain Storehouse 12013
储物罐(胡)与狩猎场景_Storage Jar (Hu) with Hunting Scenes 12054
对墓室门_Pair of Tomb Chamber Doors 12786
覆盖三脚架大锅(丁)与几何设计_Covered Tripod Caldron (Ding) with Geometric Designs 21382
农场棚与谷物磨_Farm Shed with Grain Mill 51834
与马,凤凰和老虎的三角砖_Triangular Brick with Horse, Phoenix, and Tigers 91967
猪圈和厕所_Pigsty and Latrines 37716
棋盘游戏玩家_Board Game Player 51840